What a day! Yesterdays late-breaking headline:The surgeon just - TopicsExpress


What a day! Yesterdays late-breaking headline:The surgeon just left here who removed the cancer from my spine, stacked the titanium, took the cancerous tissue and bone sample from my lungs and literally saw the cancer with own eyes. He says whatever was in my lung last week, it isnt cancer this week...Glory to God!!!!....headed to spinal rehab There was a slight hitch that followed: In order for the spine rehab hospital to formally admit me, although my bed is established and waiting, the pathologist has to recommend a specific course of treatment, on paper, even if the choice is to do nothing. They are concerned about potential liability concerning the lung. Wow!!! I had a heart-to-heart with my attending dr-- he and the path now think its just a benign tumor, it seems, most likely requiring no treatment at all, but the path department is somehow slow to write that, or to otherwise project a chemo or radiation treatment protocol. Its definitely NOT lung cancer, as they said after 2 MRIs and surgery last week. I will let this play itself out today-- its not my problem. Them trying to find a way to record a miracle on an official document is a beast, huh? Now, there is a just a lump there in my chest, apparently doing nothing. I think its just my new birthmark-- and keep it moving. The Dr. also told me that they are shocked by the mobility my lower body has regained and the strength in my upper body, especially without PT, except daughter Khera and me, physically doing exercises, i have been just here waiting for a report, which he ssys the pathologists have run again, again and again-- but cant make sense of what they see. (1st Corinthians talks about foolish things...confounding the wise) Dr said he had no real confidence even after surgery that I would walk again--Really?!?!-- but now has no doubt I will. He also confided that what my body went through with the spinal cancer and vertebrae removal and reconstructiion mostly yields negative results in csses like mine--permanent paralysis. Glad I didnt know that little tidbit either--smile. With the back bandage off, I feel ramrod straight back there. Feels like there is a broom handle up my back-- weird-- really stiff. Khera says the wound is clean, tight and dry, roughly 8-inch scar straight down the middle of my back with dozens of staples lined up and down. Learned how scooch bottom side from side to side to move forward and backwardvand pushed up to my feet 3-4 times with PTs help yesterday. First time I sweated (cardio) and wasnt in physics stress (constipated) in a while--ok sorry. Felt good to sweat. He says I am core strong and used the word awesome. Our God is an awesome God! I passed the PT intake test which is also a spine rehab hospital admittance requirement. Who knew that was the case? Blissful ignorance. I told the docs, nurses, techs etc. that God used them and their skills to save a scrub like me, in a most dramatic way. Jeremiah 30:17--For I will restore health unto thee and I will heal thee of thy wounds... On their rounds and visits, the doctors would sometimes stand around my bed smiling and talking or listening to my witness and just stare at me and marvel at my progress as if I were from Pluto. They credit my miraculous and unexpected recovery to my positive/fearless/cooperative mindset which surely cannot exist alongside a fearful one. But I think: (Isaiah 58:8)Then your light will breakforth like the dawn; and your healing will appear quickly... Again, I give great credit to the skills of these men and women of medicine--I was where i was supposed to be and God gave the increase, as the doctors even admit to exponentially incredulous returns. Thank you, thank you, thank you all for rallying to me, praying for me, laughing with me, fighting off fear with me, encouraging me, and shouting with me, even as God displayed through us (you, me and my doctors) and within my body, the miraculous power to make possible what men say is impossible. My daughter Khera is my supervhero in this, she is sleeping in the recliner next to my bed as I write-- brought me fried rice eggroll last night.What a blessing to see your baby all grown up and show up like she has(?and my elder son Stephen who got my immediate support system rolling on the way here with his family from Charlottre, NC--and the rest of the family, including my wife, Kim, rock solid, the Harris/Walkers, and my neighbors who covered so many bases (and kids) so selflessly. I am going to go deep underground now (smile) in spine rehab for a while until I can stand tall on my physicsl legs. Ill be back to my daily journal at some point when there is some milestone to report ---and hopefully visits next week. Lord knows Im no big deal do not think I qualify as a man of God,?So one thing this proves for me is that after youve done all YOU can, one must still stand--fearless and steadfast in Gods everlasting arms-- even one such as me, for a time such as this. (3 John 2:1) Beloved(s) I wish in all things that you may prosper and be in good health, even as your soul prospers... A few more days and ill cry like a baby just thinking of you-- but not yet, I need to save my strength to stand and learn to walk again -- and then let Gods story in my life tell itself, through my water works and words of thanksgiving and prsise-- as he has so richly blessed me to receive the gift of a new start in life,walking into it by faith, not by sight.-- figuratively and literally! God Bless you, or at least, may He take a liking to you real soon (smile). Love, Jim To God be the glory!!!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 09:21:42 +0000

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