What a day it has been:.... lets recap 1. Natalie and myself - TopicsExpress


What a day it has been:.... lets recap 1. Natalie and myself submitted the LOI we all worked so hard on... keeping our fingers crossed 2. Spent much of the morning in meetings... an organization needs to have these regular meetings and today formed one of the big ones with even branch office coordinators present.. dealt with lots of issues but all in the plan of taking WAAF to the next level. (Better WAAF Agenda we can call it) 3. continued to see patients inbetween and today some very interesting ones... will share the stories of 3 of them: - a man in his 60s whom the staff say i have to see because he has not showed up for the past 9 months.. so i get in there and i ask... where have you been... then this innocent looking old man goes.... uummmm doctor... i encountered some problems that made it difficult for me to be coming to the clinic.. he tells me he is the driver of a school bus and when the bus had a major problem it had to be sent to the mechanics only for him to find out later that the car was stolen.. of course the school suspected him of bad play and fired him.. he was so disturbed and broke, he could not come... thankfully just recently he was called by the school and informed that the car had been retrieved somewhere far in the western region...i was so glad for him.. his medical condition had started to go down so now we can focus on getting him back on track. - Today, i stared AIDS in the eyes again,.. thanks to ARVs most of our patients are doing well and we only see a few bad cases inbetween but today a seriously full blown AIDS patient... a defaulter from the mining area, with TB/HIV infection and really looking so bad it is a miracle he can even walk..to tell you the truth on 2 occasions i actually had to give him a push just to make sure he was still there....with his huge eyes sticking out of his bony face he would sometimes just stare at me, making absolutely no movement that it scared me ..... i had to do lots to his treatment plan and i am really praying hard for him... - a fine looking but very disturbed lady whom i learnt had tested earlier on in the year but did not believe her status.. then something interesting happened... she went to a church and during the service the pastor mentioned very passionately that there were 8 people in the congregation who had been diagnosed with HIV and that these 8 should stand up... she said even tough 4 had stood up she was not going to stand up. .... then the pastor goes..there are 8 of you and if you refuse to stand up you will have to deal with the consequences... we need to pray for you.. she still refused to stand and when the pastor repeats for the 3rd time she and the rest stand up and guess what ..... they are exactly 8 of them.. all women she tells me. anyway, afterwards she gets in touch with one of the other women, and this woman tells her that she gets her treatment from IHCC and that she should try there. so even though she is from another region, she comes in today and truly this very depressed looking woman with very thick eyelids due to lack of sleep and so much cry..as she tells me herself, is able to laugh with me before she leaves.. we had a very long talk and this will continue when i see her next week.. i know she will be okay and i thank God that she decided, despite the spiritual intervention to also seek medical care... it has been some day and i am glad it is Saturday tomorrow... more work ahead but can rest for some hours... Take care.. Dr. Naa
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 21:30:42 +0000

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