What a difference a ________ makes,…. Can you fill in the - TopicsExpress


What a difference a ________ makes,…. Can you fill in the blank? Know that old song? Yep, in the song, the word is day, but… Mary Jos health roller-coaster ride over the last ten days gave me several ways to fill in the blank. The blank in What a difference a __________ makes could, for us, be filled with any of the following : your response; an invitation; an alert visitor; meds; an appointment; an envelope; two greeting cards, and more. Each is significant. Lets take a look at a three of those. What a difference AN INVITATION makes – Recently my sister-in-law(Jo), her daughter(Debby), Jos daughter-in-law(Mary) –all from Clarksville, TN—and two of my Kentucky nieces (Jeanie and Sandy) planned to come to Bowling Green and take Mary Jo out to eat. At the last minute they invited me to go along--with the implied understanding that Id use good manners, not drink my coffee out of a saucer, be quiet, and not interrupt the girl-talk going on. I do think they were going to let me sit at the same table. But the morning of the planned event, a weak and fog-enveloped Mary Jo panicked—if its possible to panic in slow motion. She just was unable to cope. Just cant handle it…. Dont have the strength to get ready. So they offered to bring food and eat here. She turned them down on that, also. Dale, Im just too weak. Im so confused. We cancelled. Those are five of the sweetest women in this world! I was so sorry. And Mary Jo was—but she was also unbelievably relieved. I should have realized more was going on than met the eye. There was. What a difference AN ALERT VISITORmakes! Later that day the physical therapist took me aside after tests of Mary Jos blood pressure, blood-oxygen, and heart: Mary Jos heart is beating a couple of times and pausing. This is happening repeatedly. Keep an eye on it. It may explain her weakness, her very low blood pressure and some other things that are going on. A later visit by the occupational therapist found the same irregularity. Ive been activating reports to the cardiologist via her chest-implanted monitor and should get a report back today. What a difference MEDS make… I almost flared in anger at Mary Jo, but realized the anger should be directed toward myself. Friday she casually commented, You need to call in prescription renewals. I asked if they were getting low. She said, Oh—Ive been out several days, so you ought to get some soon. WHAT! Mary Jo, you know better than to let…. I caught myself. I was the one who should know better. I keep the meds where she can take them. They are marked and arranged for her to take the right ones at the right time. But, foolishly, I had not been monitoring matters adequately. Id ask, Did you take your meds? Shed say she had—and she had, of the ones she wasnt out of. She knew money was tight, and in her mind, it wouldnt hurt to wait a few days until our next income came. Confused Mary--foolish me! I was immediately at the pharmacy. Ill try to be more responsible. This may partially explain her string of slower-than-usual days. Forgive me and pray for me to better stay on top of matters. Yesterday started slowly, but she gained momentum after mid-day. After I got her to drink my highly-nutritious health drink, (did you get my recipe?) she napped a little while, then came to the kitchen and washed dishes (standing-very important-with wheel chair locked right behind her) while waiting for the occupational therapist (up-body and core strength) to come. After he left she folded clothes (mostly standing!) while I prepared our late lunch. Have you tried bone-less/skinless chicken breast baked with fresh veggies in parchment paper? Simple, no cholesterol--or very little—and so tasty. With extra-virgin olive oil, spices and herbs—including some we raise on the patio—you cant beat that. Then she watched 30-40s movies until I took her a small serving of Peanut butter-chocolate- Smores ice cream as a late snack. Drat!—there went my good record for healthful diet! All in all, it was a good day. More soon. --Dale
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 14:05:14 +0000

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