What a difference only a few phone call and a few weeks can make - TopicsExpress


What a difference only a few phone call and a few weeks can make .... 😊🎉👶😴 Loving when a parent not only has the time to write a testimonial but has the Desire to write a testimonial Thanks Rach 💕 Dear Elaine, I’m relaxing with a nice afternoon tea with the baby monitor beside and am still in disbelief my little one is asleep! And in her bed! Not my arms, not her swing and not in the pram…and with no dummy! It reminded me I must write to say a big thank you, from the bottom of my heart. You truly are amazing, and a Godsend indeed! It has been about 60 days since I had the phone consultation with you, and my life has hugely improved! And of course hubby’s and baby’s. My only regret is not calling you sooner. Part of me was sceptical, and the other part of me dreaded the training process, thinking it would be long and very difficult. I also wasnt sure if I would be able to gain enough understanding over the phone with you, and perhaps that you may not be able to get a clear enough idea of my little one and her sleep issues. How pleasantly surprised I was! Yes, the first settle took and hour, and wasn’t fun. How wonderful that I could even text you in the midst of that settle, and you replied right away to guide me through. The good thing was that improvements were seen straight away. You helped me tweak things along the way if a certain nap was proving difficult, and again, results were immediate. How did you know and understand my precious daughter so well without ever meeting her? Sometimes your suggestions and tweaking ideas were so very simple, but I never would have thought of them myself. Your instincts are so spot on. We have had a few ups and downs along the way, but after working with you, it gave me the confidence to eventually trust myself and my own instincts. Little one is now a week off 6 months, and sleeps from about 7pm - 7am, with one feed at around 3. She also has two good naps during the day. Gone are the days of constant catnapping, day and night! I never believed she could sleep through the night. She used to be a grumpy mess of an evening, and awake from about 3pm, often to about 11 or 12 at night. Even then when she did get to sleep, she would need constant resettles due to the dummy falling out or some other reason. We used to have to ‘trick’ her to sleep. She would fall asleep on the breast or in my or my husbands arms. We would wait for her to fall into a deep sleep, to carefully transfer her to her bed. All that to have her wake up shortly after. We were all exhausted. This is why I still just can’t believe the difference! I am so happy and grateful each day. The process you taught me to implement was gentle, logical, natural and ever so effective. I had read another book before seeking your services, and the methods just did not make sense or feel right. Your way is just perfect, and it just works! I now have time and energy to enjoy being a new mum. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Love Rachel - Sydney -
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 10:40:22 +0000

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