What a disgusting article. I feel only somewhat less tempted to - TopicsExpress


What a disgusting article. I feel only somewhat less tempted to tell communist apologists what I tell Nazi apologists: Damn it, you guys lost, and murdered millions in the process! Go away forever! Heres a particularly revolting passage: For one thing, a large number of the people killed under Soviet communism weren’t the kulaks everyone pretends to care about but themselves communists. Stalin, in his paranoid cruelty, not only had Russian revolutionary leaders assassinated and executed, but indeed exterminated entire communist parties. These people weren’t resisting having their property collectivized; they were committed to collectivizing property. What a pack of crap. Stalins murder of party enemies has if anything been overemphasized—most of his victims in the 1930s were national and ethnic enemies, or victims on the periphery of his empire starved to death to create agricultural surplus and thus spur industrialization. In the Holodomor and other famines, Stalin knowingly starved at least around five million people, which is one of the most vicious ways you can kill someone. In Ukraine, those who couldnt hand over the requisite amounts of grain were punished ultimately by having their livestock seized, meaning certain but torturously slow death. Stalin later had ethnic Poles and other minorities summarily shot by the hundreds of thousands. The first ethnic-based genocide in mid-20th century Europe was thus inaugurated by the Bolsheviks, not the Nazis. And then, of course, he teamed up with Hitler to invade Poland. The murderousness of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot, in particular, along with the totalitarian dictatorships in Vietnam and N Korea, the reigns of terror in Latin America and elsewhere, the imperialism and butchery and total dehumanization inflicted by state communism in the last century, are not good ammunition for bullshit talking points to criticize American state capitalism. Just as lefties dont like seeing Tea Partiers compare Obama to Hitler, they should be outraged to see such glib comparisons between Stalinism and Wall Street Republicanism. The Cold War conservatives at times exaggerated, and certainly proposed counterproductive and downright oppressive and murderous approaches to battling communism, but the fundamentals in their description of the communists were true. No self-respecting person who loves humanity or wishes for a world of greater equality and justice should have anything to do with whitewashing the slavery and extermination of Marxism-Leninism. In qualitative and quantitative terms, since the days of the Russian Revolution, probably only the Third Reich was in the same league with these monsters.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 10:16:59 +0000

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