What a great 2014 it has been and looking forward to a brighter - TopicsExpress


What a great 2014 it has been and looking forward to a brighter 2015! I started 2014 right. I left, then, all the worries of 2013 behind and brought along with me its lessons to safeguard me for my battle for 2014. I was never wrong in doing that. Though I had a roller coaster ride as I walk myself through the days of 2014, I never doubted my God, I know that these are all part of His plans and work of art especially hand made for me. I had been through a lot of roads (bumpy, shaky, dusty, slippery, everything) but what I am proud of is that I have surpassed them all. With Gods divine guidance, I am about to end this year with pride and honor. But not to forget to ask for forgiveness to the people dear to me whom I have hurt. I may have caused you pain or taken you for-granted at times (intentionally nor not) but deep in my heart, I am so sorry for these all. Though this pain have caused tears to fall from your eyes, you have never known that for each tear of yours, two fell from mine. Of course, I will forever be grateful to the people whom God uses as His instruments to lift me high whenever I am loosing my control over my wheels. I will no longer be dropping names one-by-one (but special mention to my daughter - Iris), and to you all, I am so sorry and thank you so much. You all became my mentor and taught me to look into the brighter side of life. Each experience I had with you has made me be a better person. As I close this chapter of the year and opens up the new one for 2015. Let me say, let us all learn to appreciate the people that come and go our way, for in one way or another, we all became part of each others life. We complete each other. So, keep that positive outlook, that smile and the courage to proceed. Leave all your worries and fears behind and let thy will of God be done. Happy New Year and welcome 2015!!!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 04:16:17 +0000

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