What a great Monday!!! So many beasts at our box! We are very - TopicsExpress


What a great Monday!!! So many beasts at our box! We are very proud of all of you and the work put in every time you walk through the doors here. We should have some more equipment treats being delivered in the next couple days so that is exciting! A LOT of you will really be happy about 3 more pieces of equipment. (all the same things) It is not too late to sign up for SuperFit Maryland on September 6th at your home box CFRV! Go to the SuperFit Maryland facebook page to sign up. Scaled, Masters and Rx divisions. We also need a few more judges for the competition, so if you are interested, that would be very helpful. Tomorrows WOD Strength: Max reps in 2 minutes at each: Ring Dips Calories Rowed Front Rack Lunges (165/115)-C (135/95)-Rx (95/65)-S WOD For time: 60 Alternating Pistols 30 Power Snatches (155/105)-C (135/95)-Rx (95/65)-S 15 Burpee Box Jumps (30/24)- C&Rx (24/20)-S Time Cap: 16 min.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 00:07:04 +0000

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