What a great atmosphere in town tonight. Credit must go to all - TopicsExpress


What a great atmosphere in town tonight. Credit must go to all the volunteers and St Austell BID for putting on a great show. It was good to see so many people in there supporting the town and following on from the great work done by the Torchlight carnival and the lights switch on Actually no it wasnt, we were told not to judge xmas by the turnout for those two events but for how many people turn up for late night shopping. We were told that tonight being the first night was the night to judge things on as that would set the precedent. Well as you can see from the photos taken at around 6.30-6.45 you can just see how few people followed the xmas cheer that was started last week. St Austells late night shopping had a weeks head start over Truro and Plymouth and the turnout was disappointing. The stall holders in White River were complaining about how quiet it was and how nice it was that Costa was open for a hot drink. There were directors of the Market House wandering out and looking up and down the street, shaking heads and walking back in looking rather forlorn. It seems a shame that all the hard work that was done hasnt been capitalised on and the retail advantage taken. I hope for those retailers that made the effort to stay open that next weeks turnout will be better and that there will be more xmas spirit in the air as tonight was more like Silent Night than Merry Xmas !!!! Why werent you in town tonight? So many turned out last week and so few this. There must be a reason? Answers will be read by the powers that be so let them know how they can improve their offer for Late Night Shopping......
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 20:13:31 +0000

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