What a most unusual year. A tons of snow, flood, droughts in many - TopicsExpress


What a most unusual year. A tons of snow, flood, droughts in many areas of the West and Southern portions of the United States. I feel the need to again invite all who will to take the missionary lessons, from the LDS church, to give testimony of the truthful nature and divine mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. That divine authority is restored and is found in modern prophets of God. There is that sense of urgency which I have come to recognize over the years as one which brings my heart to swell with Charity towards my fellow beings. For I am a Disciple of Christ, albeit a very imperfect one, and my duty and love is to proclaim Glad tidings to say unto Zion Thy God Reigneth and to send forth an invitation that may lead others to know what I have come to know by the Holy Spirit. There is of a truth no way to give physical evidence to convince anyone of anything I say or do I can only give a wittiness of what I have seen, heard, and felt. It may be wondered by some When will this man cease to do such things to act as he does, to proclaim/invite others unto his faith? It will never cease and will never stop for there stands one on high who ever cries for all to come unto him and be healed and perfected in him. For Christ is risen from the dead and is concerned for those who dwell below. There was a Restoration of the primitive church that Christ himself set up and it is again here on the earth. The Book of Mormon was translated from ancient records by the gift and power of God and Joseph Smith Jr. was a prophet of the almighty. Seek and ye shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you....Here is the answer to lifes great questions, here is the Balm of Gilead which heals the wounds of the heart. In closing here is a person who was warned and is now doing his best to warn others. Wickedness was never happiness. Cease from man and cleave unto God doing good continually and exercise mighty faith in his son Jesus Christ that you may have eternal life which gift is the greatest of all the gifts of God. Sincerely Adam Stavast
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 02:41:55 +0000

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