What a powerful, challenging and transformational weekend… the - TopicsExpress


What a powerful, challenging and transformational weekend… the culmination of a fairly full on week, or should I say weeks. Still processing and integrating; with much to absorb, much information, much knowledge and wisdom learned… or perhaps remembered. I returned home feeling broken wide open, as though a metamorphosis has occurred and Ive emerged from the safety of my old cocoon and evolved in some subtle way. Feeling ungrounded and weary, but simultaneously calm and a little euphoric. I lay out on the grass under the stars, watching for meteors, before coming inside to fall into a deep exhausted sleep, with vivid dreams. The drum birthing was exactly that… a birthing. Bringing to the surface many parallel emotions with birthing any new living entity. Doubts and questions about my ability to bring [to breathe] this into being; excitement, anticipation and eagerness to see the finished drum; focus and concentration on learning and understanding the meanings behind the magic, and then re-creating the intricate detailed weave that forms the medicine of the drum; letting go and trusting the process, that all is as it should be, as it all began to take shape; then the elation and satisfaction of seeing it come to completion, new-born, face to face, so to speak. All beaters & drums were smudged, blessed and then read in closing ceremony… the messages relayed were profound and insightful, empowering and so inspirational. They say one of the hardest parts of this process is finding the patience to wait seven days before playing a newborn drum for the first time… Timely perhaps, that my newborn drum will be ready to play on the Litha dark moon of Summer Solstice. I cant wait to hear its voice. A very special new kinship has been formed with all whove shared this journey; a new medicine drum family… I hope we all get to gather and play together some time. Thank you to you Tina, for sharing your magical Labyrinth Lane with us and making us all so welcome. To you Alice Hummingbird, for your divine and commanding presence, your sound healing, and support. Absolute respect to you my sister, Im so glad to have met you. Many, many thanks to you Peter Bowden, for sharing all your stories, your wisdom, your craft… your Shamanic Earth Medicine Teachings (Sunrise Drums). It was an absolute honour to sit in circle, on this journey with you. Lastly... acknowledgment to the guides… the ancestors, the traditional keepers of the land and the medicine, who all stood alongside and behind, in support of this journey. I see you, I understand, I thank you. With much love, and deep, deep gratitude. Aho… Mitakuye Oyasin https://youtube/watch?v=2dCAYoq0_cs
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 12:45:57 +0000

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