What a precious boy! My friend, Eche John, is a very sincere - TopicsExpress


What a precious boy! My friend, Eche John, is a very sincere young Christian man in Uganda establishing a Childrens Ministry. He made this video! This street boy is one of uncountable numbers. I am humbled. I have offered mostly friendship and encouragement and prayers. Long ago I wrote a song to the Christina Rossetti poem: What Can I Hive Him? That lyric says: What can I give Him....poor as I am.... We are all both rich and poor! We all have something to give, though. Even people confined to wheelchairs or enduring whatever infirmities. I strongly encourage all my FB friends to assist me in supporting Suubi Cm Uganda. A fledgling endeavor with great promise...given the passion of Eche John and his young friends! I have been helping John in an advisory capacity from afar....because I have become aware of the overwhelming needs. Despite the famous organizations such as Red Cross, UNICEF, etc...there is still need for the smaller charity efforts which are grass roots. I initially became FB friends with Eche John, as I was interested in his FB Crafts Uganda page in the context of inquiring about outsourcing bracelets to promote awareness of Lyme Disease. Then quickly my mind was diverted from my worthy cause to his worthy cause..and so I am now committed to both! :-) Strategizing helping sick people here and anywhere is always a worthy cause. Ugandans have the highest Malaria globally bar none. Tennessee in the 1920s was the hotbed for US malaria before the rivers were tamed by the TVA. Movie director Elia Kazan was impassioned about filming that mammoth effort...both as a documentary and later fictional movie based upon history. I mention that because it was not so long ago that ill-clad rural folks here were in dire straits. Eche John is aware that Americans and others are very wary of African scams. He is doing his best to photograph and chronicle helping clean the wounds of these poor street kids. I have tweeted on Twitter to Oprah Winfrey asking her to take a look. These things take time though. It takes much time to establish credibility and gain support. John has been blessed by a man, who himself an orphan, has donated lands for a future orphanage site. John wishes for others to join him in any way they can. He is establishing a web site, a secure address where care packs might be securely delivered via DHL, etc. John never asked me for money. If I had it to give I would though. (He knows I battle chronic Lyme Disease daily.) The weather in Kampala, Uganda though associated with heat....gets cold and blankets and care packages very needed. This is a great project for school /Sunday school teachers here for Thanksgiving or Christmas! American students love to do such projects. ❤ Kids clothes, socks, toys, books, toothbrushes, toothpaste, first aid kits, etc. Gently used items or new. Old cell phones not needed here are not junk there. Most churches know how to assemble such packages including perhaps raisins, chocolates, nutrition bars....etc. I am asking my friends to ask their friends and perhaps some want to help. I am personally not able to write any sizable charity checks, but can use my online skills to publicize the needs. So that is why today I share this with my online community. Thank you for your time. Please contact Eche John here and friend him. Blessings....
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 23:06:53 +0000

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