What a ride. For those that remember – a year ago today my - TopicsExpress


What a ride. For those that remember – a year ago today my house burned down to the ground. It’s been a long period with a lot of goodbyes along the way; the house (with the horrible paint job), Shane’s job, friends, pets, and family. But not one thing has kept us down for long. And some things had replacement upgrades. Like the house – it’s so amazing. And Shane’s new job – he’s never been happier coming home from work. We did get one more pet – so our youngest would have someone to play with. We have another pet goodbye on the unknown horizon as well. Oddly the one who wasn’t supposed to live past two is reaching 12 years old. Nothing wrong but being old and sometimes too tired to move and other times too busy chasing birds. And friends, I cannot express how much so many of you meant through each step of the way to us. I cannot express how much the love and friendship of people can HELP a family make it through a journey of many goodbyes. Note – not losses. Good-byes. While some felt like a rip of a part of the soul. The ultimate truth is that nothing is long term in life. Nothing is stable, sturdy, or never ending. Life flexes. If you don’t flex with it – you break. And then there is my little family – my hubby and kids. Holy crap together we sure can kick some ass. And we sure can hold each other together even through the worst of moments. It’s interesting how in so much turmoil – how perception can push you in different directions. It’s also interesting how holding onto things beyond their time can just – take you down. In my darker moments – people brought me up. Simple words of kindness or love, took me from wanting to wallow in my pain – to getting off my butt and working through. So where are we now? Well as you who follow me know – we did say another goodbye this week. We knew it was coming – he’s had cancer a while – though that wasn’t his final moment – that dog did have many lives with many sicknesses along the way. Even with that sadness, Our family is thriving. The new home is amazing, huge, beyond the “simple folk” that we see ourselves as. It finally feels like home. And we know we are loved and have worth for what we do – because so many people showed us that. We were told often – We know you would do it – so we are doing it. Or You were there for us, we are here for you. I tell you – when you hear you earned the love as you are getting a super crazy abundance of it – it sure makes you feel of value to the world. We have random people over. We have new friendships that came from the ashes of our home, stronger old friendships, and less of a hold back on living life. That last part needs more descriptive. We had a very rocky road for a couple years – in which we sorta gave up on REALLY living life for what it was. Ha ha – yeah how odd is that – that I don’t see the year plus of goodbyes as a rocky road? Thing is – we are embracing each moment as we get it. We aren’t ignoring the pain – I promise you. I had a good cry in bed when Elliott was put down. But then we get up – and we got back to LIVING. To embracing what we are, who we are, and the things that we enjoy, while still working and paying bills and living within our means (most the time).
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 14:57:04 +0000

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