What a speech by late Gaddafi... This was a brilliant speech to - TopicsExpress


What a speech by late Gaddafi... This was a brilliant speech to Arabs nation leaders, he wanted to unite all Arab countries for one cause, he talks about how America,betrayed Sadam hussian, USA was his friend and then USA turned their back and got him killed Gaddafi warns them, you might be next, if we dont unite. Watch how they laugh at him, when giving his speech, especially that phoaroun bashar Asad and other leaders. Out of all the world leaders Gaddafi done most for his people.. I believe they killed him because he wanted to cut ties with west and created unity Gaddafi done very good things for his people. Water canals, oil sharing, going back to the Gold standard, free school, free health care, bonuses/home upon marriage, free farms, equipment and seed, and plenty of good non GMO food to eat. Now, people are eating their cats and dogs to survive! Nothing to eat, pipelines destroyed, hospitals destroyed, houses of civilians blown up, pure poverty and dismay. This is because Gaddafi was killing his people? Of course not... It was a CIA orchestrated killing by bringing in hired thugs to kill the Libyan people, and blame it on Gaddafi. Obama and the EU with NATO are traitors of peace and broken friendships and hand shakes. America attacks innocent countries, kills their people, steals their resources, and use depleted uranium bombs so their babies are born deformed. The Media is out to make him as evil as they possibly can in an attempt to justify all the murder and bloodshed weve brought upon Libya. Now Libya was raped of all natural resources, and the lives of Libyans get far worse. The N.A.T.O. psychopaths have, so the say killed Gaddafi....Truth or Lies, who will their next scarecrow be? The foolish citizens on the streets of Tripoli rejoice thinking theyve achieved some sort of freedom when in reality all they will get is the criminal globalists and a puppet government subservient to them. Libya was liquidated of its gold, assets and abandoned. Infrastructures was destroyed and resources looted. Another step toward the globalist controlled African Union. Gaddafi was obviously viewed as too independent for the globalists liking and they want him removed....and/or killed!
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 20:27:24 +0000

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