What a strange 24 hours it has been. My FB account was - TopicsExpress


What a strange 24 hours it has been. My FB account was de-activated with no warning last night. I had anticipated this and felt that I was prepared. Ho-hum. I spend way too much time with this damn media as it is. I initially took it as a double edged blessing/curse. Then I remembered how events mattered to me, and that FB had become my forum for sharing images, how FB functioned to keep me informed of important events that are not present in mass media like the NYTimes. I began to feel the frustration of being shut out. Then it hit me: my user name was probably reported as inappropriate by some twisted individual. Whatever or however my de-activation happened, it caused me to remember how I used to feel growing up when the world projected onto me all those judgments: I felt dirty in their eyes, but I internalized those judgments and they became part of my own sad self-image. These are feelings I havent remembered for decades, but it all came back to me. This is how this episode affected me on a profound level. On the flip side, my friends came to my side and supported me. It is so wonderful to have a community of supportive and pro-active actual friends to be in touch with. I am really touched by all the email messages that came to me. I had a complicated work day today, and wasnt able to engage or respond much beyond confirming the messages, but I am really moved, and motivated to work to get Facebook to get its act together whether it means them changing and enforcing a friendlier policy, or being more responsible with reports from users about other FB members...whatever. FB needs to hear from us. Some really good suggestions came by me real fast today. I plan to look them over and begin to act. Hucklefaery Ken and Gladiola Gladrags are still de-activated for similar name issues. Why the three of us at the same time? It is an interesting question to ponder but speculation is not information. Thank you, my friends for sticking by me. Lets get our friends back as well and keep this shit from happening.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 02:33:40 +0000

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