What a week!!! Brandon and I just made it home from Texas - TopicsExpress


What a week!!! Brandon and I just made it home from Texas Childrens. First off, I must say how amazing this hospital is!!! They treated our baby girl so good. I am very impressed with how thorough they were, and quick to rule out any and all causes of our sweet girls possible complications. God is a healer, and we give HIM 110% of the credit for the results we received. After the doctors viewed the 3 minute video of her seizure-like symptoms, they ran every possible test to diagnose her. They determined that her positive infection culture from Jasper was contaminated, so she was clear there. She had no birth complications from her amazing delivery in the car (head trauma, lack of oxygen, etc.). So, they ran a 2hour EEG brain scan...Thankfully, she had the symptoms during the EEG, and doctors were able to determine that she was having no abnormal brain activity correlating with her twitching...This means that she is not having seizures that are affecting the brain like they initially thought!! PRAISE GOD!! THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR PRAYERS AND CONCERN. Her amazing doctors said that they may never know for sure what is causing this abnormal twitching. Most likely, it is from her neurological system still developing, and will eventually decrease in consistency and cease altogether. We are very happy with that answer!! I think we definitely picked the right name for our girl: Emmalie Faith!!! Faith has made all the difference!! .... Please continue to pray for the NICU unit, and the babies here at Texas Childrens....This experience has changed me forever....These precious babies, their parents, and nurses have touched my heart and made me realize how truly blessed we really are...All too often, we focus on such petty little things that arent our idea of PERFECT, losing sight of how blessed we are.....Hearing the sounds of multiple newborns crying in pain, and seeing the agony of their parents as they comfort their innocent and precious children is something I never want to witness and hear again..They need our prayers! I felt overwhelmingly blessed tonight as we carried our sweet girl out of that hospital tonight. Love you all, and thanks again!! Never forget how POWERFUL prayer is! We wont.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 06:10:43 +0000

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