What a week...I work in a wonderful hospital and live in a - TopicsExpress


What a week...I work in a wonderful hospital and live in a wonderful area but this has not been a good week or two. I had a hard time getting my thyroid medication this month - sheesh doctors first do no harm - getting home on assignment is not always doable and it takes months sometimes to get into a new doctor and not every urgent care will handle refills. its ok to state you get one more month and have to find a doctor - you dont just cut meds off on something as serious as thyroid medicine...let your ego go and first do no harm!...sheesh. i had already gone and gotten my tsh levels drawn and had those results but when i found out i had to get another doctor i had to work it into my schedule. so a few days without thyroid medicine and i am slow, exhausted, sick, fatigued and cranky. I drive to work to find i am being floated to sdu from cvicu for like the fourth shift in a row, finally get to where i am suppose to be and they change my assignment twice. i am off my thyroid medicine, have purple fingers from the raynauds that comes from cold and when my thyroid is off, they float me for fourth day in a row then change my assignment twice...dealt with a crazy traveler in report that night and was in hopes my bad week was over. i did finally get my thyroid medicine, went back to work but the cvicu was still closed down so am working sdu with an older hyper nurse who tells me she is on nicotine patches and if she gets mean that is why - so i am thinking well arent we a pair...she snaps at me for taking HER chair when there are 8-10 chairs sitting all around us empty - and this was before I had even clocked - oh yes, cant clock in because i forgot my badge. why did i forget my badge because i was up all night for two nights because the smoke detector battery needed changing and even on a chair with a broom handle i could not get to the battery so i had to go two nights without sleep as the smoke detector squealed all night long both nights...then to top it off my patient is bipolar and had driven his car into a church because it was a fake church, he slammed his head into his jail cell wall and gave himself a c1 fracture. he was in full blown mental manic state and rambled on so much the first day we had him he scared me. the second day he was much better and even after what he had done my heart went out to him because he truly could not control his behaviors...everything was obsessively religious based, we were all being doomed to hell, etc.....bad week - YA THINK?!? I did have a highlight to my week - met a friend for dinner one of those exhausting nights and after dealing with the bipolar man telling me for two days i was doomed to hell and going to be cursed ( he told us all that) and telling my friend about the recent lunchtime seance invitation that freaked me out in Sedona...all i could talk about was church and prayer and think ahhhh hell, im going crazy too...rofl. work called wanting to know if i was ok, that i do such a great job and they so enjoy my ocmpany but do i need some time off? i dont seem like myself they say - YA THINK????!!!...rofl...in hopes of a better week next week.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 22:08:15 +0000

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