What a week! Thankfully, this week went by a lot faster than - TopicsExpress


What a week! Thankfully, this week went by a lot faster than Christmas week did. My gosh, that week took forever and a day to get through; not sure why though. Anyway. So I always wondered what missionaries did on New Years Eve...but now I dont have to wonder anymore! We do a whole lot of nothing! HAHA. Just kidding. We tried visiting some old investigators we found in the are book but they werent interested...so we visited a member close by, in hopes she would have some bandaids. You see, my beloved companion Sis. Munoz fell off her bike...and she was bleeding in a few places...so we got that cleaned up. Then we did some service at a members daughters house and then next thing ya know, it was 6pm and we were home! We watched some videos on the prophets that Pres. Buckley had and ate lots of Ramen and cookies. We woke up to see the Arubian light show in the sky, and it was spectacular!! I loved it. I love this island, I love this culture, I love this language, I love the these people, I just love it all! We also drank some sparkling Welches grape juice, and took tons of pictures. Then basically went straight to bed! The booms went on for another 20 min...but thats okay, I got a good nights rest. (: So were teaching this guy. Shafik. Hes also Indian. His girlfriend, who he lives with, is a total sweetheart, and her name is Alisha. We taught them, their kids, and their grandchild (whos a year old) yesterday. We ate curry and...something called...roti, I think? Its similar to a tortilla. And we ate with our hands! Cool, huh? Anyway. We taught them the Restauration...and IT WENT WELL!! He was kind of distracted during the part where we talked about the Atonement....but were gonna dig deeper into that next time. (: IM SO STOKED TO TEACH THESE PEOPLE!!! Hna Munoz almost died TWICE this week. Except the second time, it was way cooler. So I was biking behind her and I fell a little behind...when I caught up, I biked around a round-about and SHE WAS ON THE GROUND. She scraped up her knee and leg AGAIN, in the same spots she scraped them earlier this week...literally the same leg. Crazy! The poor thing! But this time around, it was at night, and there were lots of cars, and like 5 cars stopped and helped! Thats pretty rare here in Aruba...one of those people was a guy who was on his way to work in the HOSPITAL!! So he had a huge bag full of...medical things. Biggest First Aid Ive ever seen. And another person that stopped was BROTHER HANSEN!! He and his wife went to Utah for Christmas and got back a couple days ago, and they were on their way home from a date when they saw us on the side of the road....so we put our bikes in their Suburban, and they took us home. (: My companion, thank goodness, is all well and safe, and ready to get back to work. She is so hardworking, driven, and eager to share this beautiful gospel with the families of Aruba. I love being a missionary more than words can even describe. This week we have obviously had our fair share of trials, but NOTHING WILL STOP US FROM BAPTIZING EVERYONE. Just kidding. Peoples agencies will. But besides that, basically nothing. I know that this church is absolutely true, and I know my Savior Jesus Christ lives. The people that helped us that night were angels sent from God! I know this is His work and His glory. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. SORRY FOR THE NOVEL! GODSPEED. Till next time! Hna Cuevas (:
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 00:11:24 +0000

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