What a week, my friends. Good news from the doctor. Proof positive - TopicsExpress


What a week, my friends. Good news from the doctor. Proof positive that I have some of the most wonderful friends a man could ever hope for. Major blessings right and left, like the cannons in the Charge of the Light Brigade. Shane Jr. gaining a few more ounces, and taking a bottle. Mark Glanden’s beautiful little girl coming in to the world, healthy and strong. Puppies. More proof that our God is an awesome God, who truly reigns and sometimes answers prayers in ways greater than we can imagine. At the same time, my heart weeps for the pain of other friends, especially Rhonda Billeaud, Denise Kinlaw and my dear sister Cynthia. And I fear the time is coming we will weep again, since we have leaders who are bound and determined to once again prove Orwell’s statement correct—a president isn’t a president til he’s had his own war. Still, God’s got it. The day draws down, folks, and we creep ever nearer to the time we can be free for a little while, anyway, as free as anyone can be. Labor Day weekend, as usual, will be more about the labor than the weekend, but that’s okay. A lot of folks would be thankful for my little problems. Hug your momma this weekend, please. Thank your daddy. Talk to your grandparents. Love your siblings. Hold your kids so close the squirm. The time’s coming when you won’t be able to do that anymore. Speaking of kids—sit down and spend some time with one this weekend. For most of our young’uns, school started this week, so you should take the time to hear about their adventures. Read a book—the Bible is always good, but there other good choices out there, too. Take a walk. Skip a stone on a pond. Find something cool, like an ant nest, or a spider web, or turn over a big rock and look underneath. Play a game by a little kid’s rules. We can learn a lot from young’uns, if we are willing to learn. Roll in the grass with your dog. Make faces at a cat. Scratch a friendly pig (he’ll appreciate it). Gossip with a goose. Tell a joke to a goat. Howl at a coyote. Sing to a donkey. Whistle at a mockingbird. Have a staring contest with a cow. Chase lightning bugs. Listen to a river. Walk through a patch of woods. Listen to a field of corn. Watch a sunrise, then watch it set that evening. Wait for the moonrise, count the stars in one little corner of the sky. Now think about the fact that the creator of all this knows your every heartbeat, your every thought, and still loves you. If that ain’t humbling—call me. We have to talk. Go to church Sunday, and listen for God’s message. Don’t worry about who else is there. Just worry about making sure you get there. Pray for the man in the pulpit, the choir, the leaders and the congregation. Pray for your community, your state and nation, and the world at large. Pray for those who wish they had a tiny bit of the freedom we take for granted. Pray for those whose hidden sins are eating them up inside, and those whose public sins have been forgiven by God, but not man. Pray for those who can no longer move, speak, or think, due to the ravages of old age, and especially pray for those who love them and are desperately doing all they can to provide the care they need. Pray for our warriors and defenders, abroad and at home, as well as their families. Pray for those trying to feed their families and keep the lights turned on. Pray for someone you don’t like, and someone who doesn’t like you. When you run out of people to pray for—ask God. He’ll be happy to share. Just don’t be surprised if He expects you to be a tool of comfort for the person He lays on your heart. Do something nice this weekend, for no reason at all. Pay someone a sincere compliment. Buy the coffee for the folks behind you in the store. Leave your change in the donation box. Put someone’s morning paper on their porch. Call someone, or just drop by, to see how they are. Check on an older person, and sit for a while if they ask you to. There are thousands of things you can do, if you’ll open your eyes and see. Hold hands with your beloved in public, without shame, and make sure they know they are the center of your world. God calls us to become one together according to His plan. Don’t just take time with your beloved—willingly and happily GIVE them some time. The clock is winding down, y’all, and as the sun angles a little lower, I am reminded of all we must do before we get home tonight. I’ll likely see some of you at the Teal obstacle challenge at Lake Waccamaw this weekend. I hope I can see some of you in a dove field Monday afternoon. And I’d best see a number of ye in church Sunday morning. Rattle the box, boys, and wake up the possums. Look out for those weasels, since those nasty little musteliads are everywhere, and cannot be trusted. It is time, boys and girls, to release the hounds—the Wildman is ready to howl. Y’all be good, and if you need me, holler.
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 20:01:36 +0000

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