What a week this has been. I am so reminded of the quote from - TopicsExpress


What a week this has been. I am so reminded of the quote from Eleanor Roosevelt: People are like tea bags. They dont know how strong they are until they are in hot water. (OK, she said women instead of people. But I prefer to not be so gender-specific.) I have experienced tremendous kindness and support from my friends who have rallied behind Team Katarina this week. I could not have gotten through this week without your emails and calls and posts here on Facebook. Thank you. Last night I received an extremely generous gift from someone I have never even met in person before. Because of this guardian angel, Katarina will be able to get the diagnostic tests she needs to determine whether we are dealing with cancer or a disc issue. The results of these tests will enable Matt and me to determine the most humane course for Katarinas care. Without performing these tests, I am sure that I would always be kicking myself wondering if there was a better path that we could have taken for Katarina. If Katarina requires surgery and we determine that is the most humane course for her, then I will launch a print sale to raise additional funds for her care. I tend to be a very independent (and yes, stubborn) person. Asking for help is one of the hardest things I can do. I much prefer to help other people than be on the receiving end of it. I think Ive always been this way, but being a caregiver for both of my parents to varying degrees over the past 10 years has deeply reinforced this trait in me. I also am acutely aware that I have resources that many people do not have. Matt and I typically live comfortably. We have made a lot of sacrifices when I left the corporate world to pursue a career in art. But, in general we live comfortably. Right now though we are over-extended because we bought a fixer upper of a house and have sunk in a lot of money into repairing it. We cant stop the repairs since the house would not be habitable if we did: it literally has no heat in it currently. We cant take on any further debt right now. So needless to say, I was extremely uncomfortable this week sharing my fear about not being able to afford advanced care for Katarina. I am so glad I swallowed my pride and did it, and I hope that my actions this week have not tarnished my personal or professional reputation in any way. I am still completely stunned -- in a very good way -- by this persons beautiful act of generosity. I have never experienced anything like it before. I will never forget it. And for the rest of my life I will work on paying it forward.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 23:32:23 +0000

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