What a weekend... On Saturday I was Judging at Ramsden & on the - TopicsExpress


What a weekend... On Saturday I was Judging at Ramsden & on the journey home rang my Mum & Dad for our usual chat but there was no reply. Nothing unusual it was lovely weather & thought they were just out somewhere & I couldnt remember if it was that night or the night before they were going to the Pheonix Theatre to see Once. I hadnt been home long (was just getting ready to take the dogs out) when my dad rang (I thought he was going to say they had decided to come to Southern GSD the following day but No that definitely wasnt the case). He said that the night before they were just on their way outside the theatre to see the show when he stumbled on the pavement & fell. As he fell he put his hands out to try to stop himself from going down but fell into my Mum who then also fell but hit her head on the pavement. My Dad had a very bad cut on his knee (he is on Warfarin so controlling the bleeding wasnt easy) but my Mum was unconsious. A crowd gathered & called for an Ambulance which took them both to UCH but upon arrival decided to transfer my Mum to the Royal London. She has a blod clot on her brain. My poor Dad kept all the worry to himself. I cant believe the older generation at times, he didnt want to ring me to worry me when he didnt have any proper information & God love him he left the Hospital at quarter to 12 that night to get home before the last train! After all he had been through he was getting a poxy train home. He couldve rung me & I wouldve got him or taken a cab but oh no he got a train :(. When my Dad rung me it was 6.30 & he told me visiting finished at 7.30 but after a quick phone call to the hospital they said it was fine for me to go up that evening. The staff are absolutely wonderful there & I know are giving my Mum the very best of care. When I saw her she is ocnsious & doing well but has awful headaches & is continuously feeling nauseous. I have just come off the phone to her this morning & she hardly slept all last night again for feeling sick. They are constantly monitoring her & hope the clot will just disperse on its own, if not they will have to operate but hopefully it wont come to that. I stayed with my Dad Saturday night & Mark stayed with the dogs so I didnt have to worry about them. I took my Dad back to A&E yesterday as his knee was so sore & the wound didnt look too great through the bandage. Again the staff were amazing & fast-tracked us through as they knew we were going to visit my Mum. Thankfully his knee is doing really well. Hopefully my Dad will stop beating himself up for what has happened as it was purely an accident & as the nurse joked with him saying Terry, it doesnt count as domestic violence, we did laugh at that :). Please wish them both well. I am sure my Mum will be fine but it is just going to take a little time.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 08:25:03 +0000

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