What about the positive evidence for intelligent design? It seems - TopicsExpress


What about the positive evidence for intelligent design? It seems that here we may be getting to the heart of Eugenie Scotts concerns. I submit that there is indeed positive evidence for intelligent design. To see this, lets consider an example that I recycle endlessly in my writings (if only because its force seems continually lost on Darwinists). Consider the movie Contact that appeared summer of 1997, based on the novel by Carl Sagan. In the movie radio astronomers determine that they have established contact with an extraterrestrial intelligence after they receive a long sequence of prime numbers, represented as a sequence of bits. Although in the actual SETI program (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) radio astronomers look not for something as flamboyant as prime numbers but something much more plebeian, namely, a narrow bandwidth of transmissions (as occur with human radio transmissions), the point nonetheless remains that SETI researchers would legitimately count a sequence of prime numbers (and less flamboyantly though just as assuredly a narrow bandwidth transmission) as positive evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence. No such conclusive signal has yet been observed, but I can assure you that if it were to be observed, Eugenie Scott would not be complaining about SETI not having proposed any testable models. Instead she would rejoice that the model had been tested and decisively confirmed. --Is Intelligent Design Testable? January 24, 2001
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 07:41:57 +0000

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