What all that I was doing in Bahrain was not in my glory, but how - TopicsExpress


What all that I was doing in Bahrain was not in my glory, but how God can use a person if they are willing to serve Him. He provided the energy and the ability to do all. It is/was all in His glory. READ THE BIBLE IN A YEAR Week 40 (Bahrain continued) By Gods grace besides being youth pastor, we did a Youth Bible study on Friday morning. also oversaw the Childrens Friday Morning Bible studies. (Friday and Saturday are the Muslim weekend). Friday night I was blessed to preach in the Awali church 2 or 3 times a month. (Fridays were like our Sunday in the USA). On some occasions I was invited to speak at one of the churchs different language group meetings. We had between six to eight different language groups within the church. By the end of three years the youth and Terry said I needed to get some rest, I didnt see it. Then in 2001 we returned to the USA (South Carolina) I then realized maybe I was tired. However, in Bahrain God was blessing us so much. He gave me the strength to go forward. I learned a valuable lesson by going there, God is wiser than I. There are excuses as well for South Carolina for not writing, but mainly, by the time we got to South Carolina this writing was to long in waiting and out of mind. Monday SEPTEMBER 29 TODAYS FOOD FOR THOUGHT - He Knows You Before You Were Born. Jeremiah 1, 2 Acts 25 For Judah to escape calamity they needed to surrender to Gods Will. Gods is a patient God, but there comes a time for repentance. They had been in a downhill slide too long. They had gone too far yet, God was giving them one last time to move out of the apostasy they had fallen into. Not unlike many today, they had forsaken the fountain of living water, digging their own leaking cistern. When people refuse to follow all of Gods Word, yet say ,they believe in God, they enter into a false worship, mocking God. God shows us and leads each of us out of our Egypt, yet some look for the way out in their own will and power. Even after he brings them out, they declare God either doesnt exist or dont care for them. He saw many kept looking for the way back when things didnt go their way. He brought you out of darkness why would you want to go back. Yes, life is not going to be a bed of roses. The short time here on earth and the suffering is nothing compared to the suffering to experience in Hell for eternity. Tuesday SEPTEMBER 30 TODAYS FOOD FOR THOUGHT - Repent of Abominations Jeremiah 3, 4, 5 Acts 26 Many are like King Agrippa are almost Christian. But for some reason, only they know, I correct that, they may not even know why, they stop at the point that could change their life completely. We see in the Bible what happened to those who didnt submit to God fully, we also see the rewards promised by submitting to Gods will. Judah saw what happened to Israel but it wasnt enough to change them. A case of the see but do not see. Open your eyes people, dont just see something but see it well enough to live it, Sin angers God, it doesnt mean just the ten commandments is sin but any thing that is displeasing to God. Now, you say, He is too strict. Is it any worse to murder or to tell a lie? How much damage can that lie do to someone? What is the difference between a little white lie? It is still a lie and all lies are from Satan and of darkness. Repentance brings joy to and in God. Wednesday OCTOBER 1 TODAYS FOOD FOR THOUGHT - Be Not Cursed Jeremiah 6, 11, 12 Acts 27:1-26 Men of Anathoth wanted to take Jeremiahs life. God told Jeremiah He would protect him and destroy his enemies. It is a dangerous think to mess with Gods people, the Prophets, the Jews and Christians alike. Why would one want to do evil, where can one prosper in evil? God may not cause one to drop dead on the spot but as the persons Book of Life is written it will be recorded. As Jesus told us He will not pluck the tares from the field until the day of harvest, then they will be burned. It takes a lot to anger God, but the day will come when He will punish those who choose to continue to walk in darkness, to worship false gods. I have heard many say God does not punish. Take a look at the Old Testament, if you keep making God angry, you will feel His punishment. Thursday OCTOBER 2 TODAYS FOOD FOR THOUGHT - Listen and Hearken Onto the Lord Jeremiah 7, 8, 26 Acts 27:27-44 We have a choice to choose death or life. Death comes from not listening to what one hears. Death comes from not seeing what one sees. Death comes from refusing to turn, to never seek the truth of Gods Word. Hearts become so hardened they refuse to listen to Gods Word. God made us in His image, He gave us the ability to think, to rationalize, to have understanding. He gave us a free will to make choices. He allows us to see the darkness evil way of life, He has shown us the bright and lasting way of life. He has given us knowledge and wisdom, yet so many never seem to put it into action. Even the birds of the air know of the appointed time, the time to go and the time to come. Yet, many mankind only know the time to go, to go away from God. God is alive, God is our creator, Jesus is His Son, Jesus is the Lord, the Holy Spirit is and is ready to enter into your life. To deny any is not real or untrue is to deny God, to stay in darkness and eternal death. Friday OCTOBER 3 TODAYS FOOD FOR THOUGHT - Beware of False Prophets Jeremiah 9, 10, 14 Acts 28 False gods made of wood, clay, gold, silver, bronze, or any earthly substance are made by man. None can speak, hear, nor see. They have to be carried by man.. The true and living God sees all that you do, hears all that you say, and will speak if you are willing to listen. He doesnt need to be carried from place to place as He is everywhere at all times. He will carry you through life, never leaving you stranded. Do not wax your hearts, close your eyes, nor shut your ears. God gave you two eyes and to ears, and one working brain, use them. Understand with your heart, not with your mind. The mind can be deceiving if Gods Holy Spirit isnt invited in. Seek Him in all things at all times. Saturday OCTOBER 4 TODAYS FOOD FOR THOUGHT - Give Thanks Jeremiah 15, 16, 17 Colossians 1 Are you walking worthy of the Lord? Do you ever cease to pray, being always fruitful in good works, ever increasing in the knowledge of God? Our you striving to always being pleasing to God? Do you make the Lord joyful? When you make God joyful in your ways you will find joy in your life. Give thanks to the Lord for His glorious power, and His patience with joyfulness. I like to start and end my day with the song Give thanks with a grateful heart, Give thanks to the Holy One, Give thanks because He has given His Son, Jesus Christ, Give thanks. It helps to make my day brighter and night more restful. Devour His Word, find the joy, rejoice within your heart. Let Him deliver you from the wicked hand of Satan, the evilness of darkness. Sunday OCTOBER 5 TODAYS FOOD FOR THOUGHT - Solid Faith Jeremiah 18, 19 Colossians 2 Are you roots solidly planted in Gods Word, dwelling in all the fruitfulness of God? Build up in Him, establish a strong incorruptible faith, always giving thanks. Seek His wisdom, holding up Holy hands in worship toward the one true God, Father Almighty. Let your life be made by His hands, not by earthly clay which is broken so easily. Many who do not know the Lord will say Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, I have been a good person God reveals himself to his servants of His mercies, power, and love. He also is the lion that roars, to those who will not fear Him. The Lord GOD hath spoken, who can not hear? God will do what is just and fair with all people. For the ones who refuse to accept Him as Lord and Savior He warns them of their ruin, yet upon their repentance he will come in mercy to them, and, when he is coming towards them in mercy, nothing but their sin will stop the progress of his favours. Awaken people to repentance, that your ruin might be prevented; do not live in vain. Be not as a vessel made of clay but one made of God. Clay can be broken by man, only God can break what He has made.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 04:09:01 +0000

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