What am I about? Im sick of sadness People are dying of - TopicsExpress


What am I about? Im sick of sadness People are dying of sadness Of bullies seeing fear Anxiety depression & lost hope nasty people nasty words The last 15 years has brought about uncaring unkind selfish people in a huge hurry to be the best have the best at all costs Manners respect hard work being kind, smiling at a stranger holding open a door Being genuinely happy for someone else... All gone When Uve hit rock bottom when youve lost or losing something someone great You realise the secret to life No need to go looking pay money or have power To find it Il give the answer to you freely Being happy content & grateful Thats it! When your truly just happy to be alive, so happy to see ur kids UR partner your loved ones, grateful to have those, as others are very lonely, UR happy as can be with what u have when u realise money is irrelevant it wont buy you your loved one or stop you from losing a loved one You stop chasing it You see the greatest con is we have to have the best job the best car the best body the best best best And your not happy your miserable or worse on auto pilot When ur happy content & grateful U do ur best be the best & feel the best so U earn more look better BE Happy content & grateful & your the richest person in the world YOU are enough stop listening to the con that your not or your ego its designed to make u insecure Look within because your life is limited Are you happy are u where you want to be & with who you want? No? Because work is about making money to live Not live to make money If you can find something you love & get paid for it But get up in the morning Say wow u cant wait to get to today some people didnt wake today Get going with a smile walk line your a god because you are Dress in your best outfit what are h saving it for? Wear it today! Ask the person out Ask for a raise Tell them your ideas Go for it LIFE IS SHORT so fill yours up with YOUR happiness be so content & very grateful your not the fool still trying to seek approval from the world slaving like a jackass to buy the best to impress people who really dont give a shit anyway With no real idea just auto pilot & sad Be bold be brave be fierce BE YOU I BELIEV U CAN DO IT Elle
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 23:56:02 +0000

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