What am I thankful for? Hmmmm? Where do I begin? I am - TopicsExpress


What am I thankful for? Hmmmm? Where do I begin? I am thankful for a BIG God! Over the past 5 years, weve (the Mission) experienced Hurricane Threats, Oil Spills, an Ice Storm, the construction of TWO New Rescue Shelters (replacing two very old and very small existing facilities) and TWO 100 Year, It Will Never Happen Again Floods in addition to the passing of many friends and loved ones. Through it all - God remained remained faithful and continued to remind us of our purpose which is demonstrating HIS goodness by providing rescue and recovery services in Jesus name. Despite all the hard work and even a few shed tears, Gods strong arm and loving kindness was always patiently working behind the scenes and guiding the way. We may not have understood it all in the moment but we were truly never alone and never ill-equipped to handle the challenges. God has assembled the most talented, faithful and courageous team of leadership and staff that Ive ever had the privilege of working with. In fact, I wont hesitate to confess (from my own personal experience) that it would be impossible for the best staffing agency on the planet to have pulled together a perfect team for times such as these. From experienced executive leaders and financial experts to innovative contractors and management teams to gifted teachers, counselors and pastors to incredibly talented hourly employees and community volunteers - Gods people and their giftedness were always in place at just the right times to rise to the occasion. Honestly, if I hadnt lived through these things then I would probably have a very hard time believing it myself. Thank goodness for YouTube and smart phones! Incredibly, through it all, the Mission never lost focus on its calling and hundreds of homeless and hurting people were ministered compassion in Jesus name. Now ... dont misunderstand me. I am enormously pleased to be on this team. I know these people and I know how hard they work and how much they really care for the needy of our community but my point is this - GOD IS BIGGER! We are simply the vessels doing what we can as best we understand it with the tiniest seeds of faith that we can muster. Ill even go as far as it admit that its probably just shameful that we are so surprised when the Lord does exactly what hes promised to do all along. I HOPE and PRAY you know this God. He is the One True God and He is amazing!!! If youre interested and have time. Watch a few of the highlights below and judge for yourself. Theres a reason that song was titled Amazing Grace! Thats all Im saying. 2012 Flood youtu.be/fMOyCHtNGuI *** BTW, the 2014 Flood was almost the same only we lost a little more. *** My Office youtu.be/LE0BkmZE4oI New Pensacola Mission https://waterfrontmission.org/events/dedication-ceremony-for-new-pensacola-rescue-shelter/ New Mobile Mission youtu.be/prx2dFe7CKw Why We Do What We Do Marys Story youtu.be/ZaVj3GJldz4 Seths Story youtu.be/KnN25YC51T8 Then he turned to the host. “The next time you put on a dinner, don’t just invite your friends and family and rich neighbors, the kind of people who will return the favor. Invite some people who never get invited out, the misfits from the wrong side of the tracks. You’ll be—and experience—a blessing. They won’t be able to return the favor, but the favor will be returned—oh, how it will be returned!—at the resurrection of God’s people. - Luke 14.12-14
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 22:49:40 +0000

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