What an adventure! The three day two night weekend starting off - TopicsExpress


What an adventure! The three day two night weekend starting off with a relaxing sausage sizzle in the rain, and finishing with a leach invasion was highlighted with fantastic weather on Saturday. Friday night four of us raced away from the bustling city life that we call Cairns. We welcomed in the weekend with an esky full of beers, a cask full of wine, a bottle of port, and some gourmet sausages. As soon as we finished eating, the rain set in and we very quickly made a ad hoc shelter with our trusty ol tarp. Once the beers had been depleted, we dashed off to bed in our tents and hammocks and slept away our worries from the work week. The morning showers had us concerned that the others would not make it, however in true CAG fashion, not one, but two carloads of adventurers approached with bags full and smiles gleaming. We soon set off for an easy, but occasionally slippery walk down to the great causeway where we would set up camp. A welcome change from the previous night, the sky was clear and sun shone as we splashed around in the slithering stream of the Mulgrave River. We sat upon the rocks that shaped the river downstream from the causeway, eating our lunches and drinking slightly colder than room temperature goldies. Before night crept upon us, we set off to accomplish the necessary nocturnal tasks of collecting firewood, setting up shelter, and preparing communal camp. We spent most of the night poking the fire, roasting marshmallows and playing Marks Monopoly Cards. The night was so beautiful that I was about to abandon my hammock for an open air snooze next to the roaring fire, however, I instead decided to move my hammock underneath the shelter and next to the fire; boy am I glad I did this. Overnight, we had heavy rain and visitors searching for food. In the morning, astonished of the time, we ate our porridge, packed our soggy gear, and headed toward Babinda Boulders, an 11km trek. After the causeway, the track narrowed and surrounded by beautiful, lush rain-forest. The ground however, was lined by leaches who attacked us from both ends, sucking us dry. The 3.5 hr trek consisted of us periodically stopping to rip off those hermaphrodites. Besides this, the trail was quite scenic. Three events stood out as highlights (or tragedies): First was Jakes chivalrous act of making stoned steps for his Alex before he slipped and fell, resulting with the princess piece of path falling and seriously injuring Jakes hand. The second was Kates eyeball being kamakazid by a flying leach and having to be saved by the trusty Leatherman. The third, and most graphic, was Aarons genetalia being attacked by a ninja leach the same size, shape, texture, color of his..... Once again, a weekend filled with great memories, shared with great people, and in the best place to live in the world: where-ever your friends are.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 09:42:05 +0000

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