What an amazing miracle we got today. Bonsai is home now and - TopicsExpress


What an amazing miracle we got today. Bonsai is home now and recovering. Thank you for all your prayers and thoughtful wishes. We are very pleased with the team at Petical Animal Hospital in Mersin, They did such a great job. The doctor first performed an endoscopy and found the bone. It was too difficult for them to try and pull it out. They were prepared to start surgery to cut into his stomach when the doctor noticed the acid from his stomach has soften the edges of the bone to the point where they decided to try and push it into his stomach instead. It was a success. There is some damage along his esophagus from when the bone got stuck, but with antibiotics, it should clear up any signs of infections. Bonsai is currently stable and breathing a lot better. However we will need to keep an eye on him for the next couple of days to see if he will eat on his own and most of all keep the food down. He has lost 250 grams of weight in 5 days, which is a lot considering his size. He is not totally in the clear but is on the road to recovery, He is truly a trooper.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 16:11:34 +0000

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