What an amazing video. This was taken recently in a corner of - TopicsExpress


What an amazing video. This was taken recently in a corner of syria not yet destroyed by assads forces or al nusra, islamic front and the islamic state. It is a syriac christian enclave in the north east of the country near the vicinity of the syrian kurds. A young christian militia man on patrol extrolls the virtues of his gorgeous city, a city originally designed by the french during colonial times, with palm trees ringing wide Boulevards. The neon lit facades of businesses in the commercial quarter remind one of a south Florida mixed with the old world. The contrast is shocking when compared to the rest of syria. The young militiaman is smiling as the pick up truck rounds corners, talking about how his city is known as the city of love.To the side a local woman dressed in jeans is walking her dog on the sidewalk infront of storefronts, reminiscent of any scene preponderous in an American city, and im struck by the sad knowledge that this beautiful city filled with a diverse array of syriac christians, chaldeans, kurds and other ethnic minorities is in danger with being swallowed whole by the tumult and horror-filled chaos destroying the rest of the country. The militia member talks bitterly of the atrocities and massacres that have been committed against his people by the islamic fundamentalists, and looks into the camera and tells the world his people are going to resist the islamists and the regime, until the end. If any people in the syrian and iraqi conflicts deserve our support, its the kurds and the various christian sects. There is an intended ethnic cleansing being carried out by sunni extremists, who threaten the west because we dont support their cause while they ruthlessly murder our natural allies and religious kin, the iraqi/syrian christians and the most moderate, patient and forward looking muslims in the whole middle east, the kurds. Its a tragedy.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 19:56:28 +0000

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