What an insane day! They crazy things...CeCelia threw tantrums on - TopicsExpress


What an insane day! They crazy things...CeCelia threw tantrums on me this morning because I refused to allow her to go to school in the get up she had on! Yes I am mean! Forced her to charge clothes then practically had to drag her to the bathroom to make her brush her teeth! I really do Not understand why children do not want to brush their teeth! Ran late to docs and upon picking Will up at school he was is a bad mood and upset over something another student said and then said he felt like throwing up. I just figured he got worked up enough that he was making himself sick. WRONG! He spewed vomit all over the doctors office within 10 mins of being there so I leave Olivia to do her appt to bring Will and Wes home only to have Will cover the elevator and parking garage Elevator area with more vomit. Did not realize the button at elevators was a code blue pushed that thinking theyd get maintenance to come clean the vomit. Waited 5mins holding elevator door open so no one could use it and finally gave up and tore Wills school excuse in pieces and left notes where there was vomit! I would not be surprised to see pics of the notes circulate FB within the next couple of days! LOL! Yes I am kind enough to at least leave a note unlike others (will explain) I also told the cashier in the parking garage and went to front desk and told them again when I got back. Hopefully it was cleaned. To top it off even after telling Lisa that Allysia was picking her up today unfortunately she was still POd her momma wasnt there and cried every time I left her today, lack of sleep I am sure! Sorry for the whinny kid Allysia and Thank You for helping out today! To top that off both of Olivias batteries to her processor wont work they say they are charged but will not work, wonderful! Then as we leave her appt the elevator we got into reeked of Vomit! No it wasnt the one my child spewed in! I look down at floor and there lay what appears to be chucks of vomit...uh, Hello you couldve left a NOTE! Needless to say that all was all before 1:15pm....UGGH! Was expecting an important call at 2:30, not sure why I would say that time but I did, then realized CeCe had to be picked up and was late because of phone call and had to rush Wesley over to get her. Pharmacy screwed up Olivias prescription for 6 months in a row, come on do you possibly think they could fix problem once and for all, I know I am expecting to much now! Reset a passed to a website yesterday and William calls says it wont work. Who knows what that deal was but it worked for me. 30 mins wasted on it though. Lisa and Will are both napping, 2 hrs now, should wake them but the peace is just so, well, it is PEACEFUL! And that is just a glimpse into the day!
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 22:21:30 +0000

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