What an interesting afternoon yesterday. We were sitting in the - TopicsExpress


What an interesting afternoon yesterday. We were sitting in the hot tub relaxing. And the dogs indicate theres someone near the barn. I looked and couldnt see anyone. Relaxed for a few minutes more. The dogs just wouldnt relent. We got out of the hot tub and as I round the corner of my truck, (its parked where it usually isnt), I see a silver car parked in front of our barn and a woman entering the barn. Renee gets ahead of me, while I go inside my office. I hear Renee yelling what are you doing get out of there. I am now out of my office and heading down the drive and I see the women standing there having words from across the road. Renee is staying a good distance from the woman. (Thats my lady, be cautious. lol). I then took control of the situation after I realize Renee didnt know the woman and didnt want her there. I ordered the woman to leave now, and if she didnt comply I would put a dog on her. Mowglee was awaiting eagerly at the top of the driveway in the down position. Apparently she thought I was kidding or didnt see Mowglee. I ordered Mowglee to go, find Mommy. He leaped up and in an urgent run ran toward Renee in which put him in the direction of the woman. She saw Mowglee, and ran to her car and jumped in as Mowglee stopped at the road across from her car. I gave Mowglee the order to cross the road and told him to check it out. A search command. Now mind you, Mowglee is one of the sweetest, most attentive dogs we have. One of the best trained. He also is the largest, and most intimidating looking. Unknown to the trespassing woman in the car, Mowglee just wanted to sniff her crotch, say hello and maybe, possibly pee on her car. But she didnt know this as Mowglee in all of of his 180 pounds of dog circled her car. it was to much for her, she left. lol The sad thing is, a few minutes later I found out what the woman was doing there, she was throwing treats over the fence at our dogs and feeding our cats in the barn. She told Renee that she knows her dogs like treats and thought ours would too. WTH?!? Who does that, feeds another persons dogs without even knowing them. Renee did tell the woman before Mowglee intervened that the dogs are on a diet. Upon reflection, there are a few things we are doing different, I now am putting my sec cams on full time record, I was just recording at night. A few more signs of no trespassing and a few new ones of do not feed our animals. But I have a question. We had a litter of 7 kittens a few months ago and over the last few weeks they have been disappearing. In the past if we were to lose a kitten it would show up dead, half eaten or squished by the road. But these guys are just snatched up. This women seemed awfully bold. Now I dont care for cats, but I do recognize they are a vital tool to keeping vermin from my barn. So what do I do? I ask all of my 35 some odd FB Friends? I have the Lic Plate Number. I dont want the women arrested but possibly, put on notice and that may spread the word in the story telling. Dont feed the animals at the Martin Homestead. Some advice would be nice.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 11:28:06 +0000

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