What annoys me is how politicians are quick to point out what jobs - TopicsExpress


What annoys me is how politicians are quick to point out what jobs will be lost because of green groups These cases were a waste of valuable time and resources and are proof of the disruptive claims peddled time and again by green groups, whose sole purpose is to shut down the resources sector and deny Queenslanders jobs and royalties, However because of the government cutting renewable energy sectors in Australia thousands upon thousands of jobs have been cut and not only that but $140 million government funding cut to the CSIRO which will have huge impacts on scientific research in Australia Not to mention scrapping the renewable energy target will cost Queensland 1.6 billion dollars alone. Green groups sole purpose is not just to shut down sectors but protect Australias beautiful eco system and us who reside in it. If we can continue to let the government just do anything it wants it will continue to invest money into Coal. Coal is soon to be a dead commodity- it causes too much destruction both when it is pulled out of the ground, to the shipping and burning of it to create the energy. More and more countries are banning it because of the detrimental impacts. There are cleaner more renewable ways that have less impact and our government should invest in research, not cut it and give free passes to Coal companies like they did recently. Making bills such as these that limit our right to object mines is ludicrous and unjust. Australians have a right to say where their energy comes from.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 14:04:46 +0000

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