What are THE NEW REVELATIONS given to humanity by God? Find out - TopicsExpress


What are THE NEW REVELATIONS given to humanity by God? Find out here... (Book Excerpt #2…Note: this is a passage from the book “The New Revelations.” It is a dialogue between a simple human being, Neale Donald Walsch, and God. This excerpt picks up where the last entry left off. For purposes of continuity, daily reading will prove very helpful.) NEALE: The human race has reached a Time of Choosing. Our options are being placed before us by the tide of events—and by those who are creating them. We can either move forward, building together at last a new world of peace and harmony based on new beliefs about God and life, or move backward, separately and continuously reconstructing the old world of conflict and discord based on old beliefs about God and life. How long we can keep ourselves going if we continue to choose the Old Ways is open to speculation. But ultimately our civilization—assuming no dramatic alteration in our present pattern—will simply cave in on itself. And everything I see tells me we are just years—not centuries, not decades, but years—away from that. For those who are ready to embrace new beliefs (or at least to consider them), the issue becomes, what would they be? And what outcomes could they produce? I believe these new revelations have been given to us to offer some possible and powerful answers to these questions of our day and time. This conversation with God began as a simple plea from one humble human being to the God of his understanding, in the way that works best for him. I asked God to reveal to us what we now need to know if we want to help change the self-destructive direction in which humanity is moving. Now the God of my understanding may not appear to be the God in which you believe, but It is, I am convinced, the same God nonetheless. And I believe that if any person goes to this same God in purity, sincerity, and with deep desire, God responds. This book is God’s response. I believe it can save the world. ================================== To be continued... ================================== Visit CWGConnect if you wish to personally connect with Neale and ask any questions or discuss this material in depth. (NOTE FROM NDW SUPPORT: The above excerpt from The New Revelations represents but a few of the hundreds of pages of world-changing words from God that Neale believes every world leader, every spiritual authority, every economic figure, and every concerned citizen would benefit enormously from considering and embracing. Neale encourages your reading of this entire book, in tandem with The Storm Before the Calm, right now, as these two texts offer insights to humanity directly from the Mind of Divinity, intended to turn our planet’s people from the path of self-destruction.)
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 13:00:00 +0000

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