What are THE NEW REVELATIONS given to humanity by God? Find out - TopicsExpress


What are THE NEW REVELATIONS given to humanity by God? Find out here... (Book Excerpt #57…Note: this is a passage from the book “The New Revelations.” It is a dialogue between a simple human being, Neale Donald Walsch, and God. This excerpt picks up where the last entry left off. For purposes of continuity, daily reading will prove very helpful.) NEALE: Of course I do. Why, I was just sayin’ that yesterday to a couple of fellas down at Murphy’s. We were just kinda shootin’ the breeze, see, and the subject of God came up, and I was just getting into all that when suddenly I realized how late it was and that I had to get goin’. GOD: Uh-huh. NEALE: The point, therefore, of all this? GOD: It is, as I said, that we are all the Same Stuff. We are all That Which Moves. There is nothing that does not move. Everything moves. Nothing stands still. Nothing at all. Everything is Stuff In Motion. That includes you, and rocks. You are all this Same Stuff. This “stuff” is called Life. Everything IN Life IS Life. Can you wrap yourself around that concept? NEALE: I don’t think I’ve ever heard it put just that way before. GOD: Can you embrace the concept? There is nothing in Life that is not a part of Life. Can you agree with that? NEALE: Well, yes, I think so… GOD: Good. Then you are only a step away from understanding a larger truth. NEALE: Which is? GOD: That you and God are One. NEALE: I’m not sure I can make the leap. How can that be true? GOD: It is true if “Life” is just another word for “God”—and it is. There is only One Thing, and that Thing can be called God, or Life, or All That Is, or whatever it pleases you to call it. You are all manifestations of that One Thing, as is everything else you observe with your five senses—and everything you observe with your sixth sense as well. In fact, your five senses are rather primitive receptors. They pick up data relating to only about one-tenth of the world around you. Your sixth sense picks up much more. ================================== To be continued... ================================== Visit CWGConnect if you wish to personally connect with Neale and ask any questions or discuss this material in depth. (NOTE FROM NDW SUPPORT: The above excerpt from The New Revelations represents but a few of the hundreds of pages of world-changing words from God that Neale believes every world leader, every spiritual authority, every economic figure, and every concerned citizen would benefit enormously from considering and embracing. Neale encourages your reading of this entire book, in tandem with The Storm Before the Calm, right now, as these two texts offer insights to humanity directly from the Mind of Divinity, intended to turn our planet’s people from the path of self-destruction.)
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 14:00:00 +0000

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