What are THE NEW REVELATIONS given to humanity by God? Find out - TopicsExpress


What are THE NEW REVELATIONS given to humanity by God? Find out here... (Book Excerpt #70…Note: this is a passage from the book “The New Revelations.” It is a dialogue between a simple human being, Neale Donald Walsch, and God. This excerpt picks up where the last entry left off. For purposes of continuity, daily reading will prove very helpful.) NEALE: You mean, we are “wrong”? GOD: That’s very clever, and it points up a major problem with your word “wrong.” It has for centuries been used in at least two different ways—to mean that which is “mistaken,” and to mean that which is “immoral.” An action that is called “mistaken” is an action that does not produce a desired or predicted outcome. An action that is called “immoral” is an action that violates some life code or larger law a society has put in place—or that a society imagines its Deity to have put in place. The difficulty with morals, as I have just pointed out, is that they change from time to time and place to place, depending upon what it is a society or its members are trying to accomplish. Morality is, therefore, extremely subjective. The difficulty with “mistakes” is that in religious societies or contexts they are often equated with moral failure, rather than simply operational failure. This makes it not merely inconvenient or unfortunate to have made a mistake, but sinful. In certain religious or morality-based cultures, normal human error can be considered an offense against God—punishable by severe and disproportionate sanctions or suffering. We have already looked at some examples of this. Here are more: 1. He that curseth his father or his mother shall be put to death. 2. A blasphemer shall be stoned to death. 3. A woman who fails to wear a covering over her entire body may be whipped and beaten. 4. A person who steals shall have his hand cut off. Those who do not agree with such stringent, inflexible standards, to say nothing of the disproportionate responses required by them, are considered apostates—and can be killed. This circumstance creates all the conditions for large-scale conflict and war, for now an attack may be justified as a defense of the faith, an act authorized by—and, indeed, required by—God. NEALE: That’s exactly what’s been happening on our planet. You’ve hit the nail right on the head. That’s what’s been going on in the world in these days and times. GOD: It has been going on for centuries. Indeed, for millennia. That is why the Seventh New Revelation is so important, for it creates a context that separates “mistake” from “morality,” removing God from the picture. Do you really think I ever cared whether you ate meat on Fridays, or wore a head-to-toe body covering because you were female, or stood on the appropriate side of the Wailing Wall? NEALE: I heard that not long ago some women attempted to stand with the men on the “men’s side” of the Wailing Wall, one of the most sacred sites in all of Judaism. They wanted to make a point: that it is time to end this infantile separation of women from the men because of a thought that women are unworthy or, because of their menses, somehow “unclean.” The men—some of them rabbis—began shouting and cursing and spitting, and some even began scuffling with the women. GOD: Is it truly your imagining that God is concerned with these things? NEALE: It does seem rather petty, even in the name of sacred tradition. GOD: Perhaps especially so. NEALE: Yet do you not care at all about life on earth, and what is going on here? GOD: God cares about life on earth enough to give humans all the help, all the support, and all the tools that they could ever need to make it a wondrous and joyful experience. And God loves human beings enough to give them the greatest gift of all: free will. Now interestingly, a challenge that you have created for yourselves is that you believe God gives you this free will, but then takes it away from you by telling you exactly what it is that He requires you to do. Even what you are to think, and to say. In some cases, how you are to dress and to eat. Some of you think that it is disrespectful even to write the name of God, and so you use dashes where the vowels would be in order not to complete the spelling (ignoring the fact that this writing custom simply grew out of the fact that the original language in which God’s name was written had no vowels). Others of you pass laws in your societies against possessing or displaying any pictures, or even drawing any, of God or of humans or animals, because you believe there to be a prohibition against these “graven images.” You have denied yourself many of your simplest pleasures—music and dancing, for example—claiming that your God says He doesn’t want you to engage in such indulgences. These are, some of you say, sinful and immoral. Indeed, in countries where civil law is based on religious law, you have made the smallest mistakes and the tiniest human errors matters of moral turpitude. Yet true morality as an unchanging, objective criteria does not exist. It cannot in any evolving society, for the nature of evolution itself is change. And, of course, this is exactly what most governments which have their foundation in religion seek to stop. They seek to stop change. Yet change is the nature of life. And so, they seek to create a better life by denying Life Itself. But Life will not be denied, nor will its process be corrupted. Great difficulty can thus arise when societies change and morals do not. A deep chasm is created between by-the-book rules and on-the-ground experiences. As this chasm widens, new and more practical standards of behavior spontaneously emerge within a culture. Yet as new standards emerge, old ones are defended by those who are afraid to make the adjustment. And so, again, attack is justified in the name of defense. This is exactly the situation in many of your cultures today. It is an irony of life on your planet that freedom, which is the very essence of what God is, and free will, which is God’s greatest gift, is nearly always severely restricted by those governments that are controlled by religions. ================================== To be continued... ================================== Visit CWGConnect if you wish to personally connect with Neale and ask any questions or discuss this material in depth. (NOTE FROM NDW SUPPORT: The above excerpt from The New Revelations represents but a few of the hundreds of pages of world-changing words from God that Neale believes every world leader, every spiritual authority, every economic figure, and every concerned citizen would benefit enormously from considering and embracing. Neale encourages your reading of this entire book, in tandem with The Storm Before the Calm, right now, as these two texts offer insights to humanity directly from the Mind of Divinity, intended to turn our planet’s people from the path of self-destruction.)
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 14:00:00 +0000

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