What are THE NEW REVELATIONS given to humanity by God? Find out - TopicsExpress


What are THE NEW REVELATIONS given to humanity by God? Find out here... (Book Excerpt #72…Note: this is a passage from the book “The New Revelations.” It is a dialogue between a simple human being, Neale Donald Walsch, and God. This excerpt picks up where the last entry left off. For purposes of continuity, daily reading will prove very helpful.) NEALE: You said something fascinating earlier. You said, “Nobody does anything inappropriate, given their model of the world.” I can see how this applies. It is what made it possible for music of any kind other than Islamic religious songs to be outlawed by the Taliban in Afghanistan. GOD: Exactly. That was their model of the world. To them this seemed perfectly reasonable. NEALE: So, if we find a person’s behavior, or the behavior of a whole group of people, unacceptable to us, what we have to do to produce lasting change is to affect the model of the world that is creating their behavior. GOD: You understand now. You understand the central point of this dialogue. That is what I am saying here. You can seek to alter behavior, but that will produce only short-term change, at best. Yet if you alter beliefs, you will impact behavior at its source. That is why I have said that what would be beneficial for human beings right now if they wish to life together in peace and harmony is a new spirituality, a new “model of the world” based on expanded and changed beliefs. NEALE: How do we create that? I know you said before that in order for others to feel “safe” with these new beliefs we have to demonstrate that they work, using our own lives as the model. But how do we come up with new beliefs to begin with? GOD: You will not come up with any new beliefs unless and until you decide that some of your old beliefs are not working. Beliefs are difficult things for humans to let go of. Once you believe a thing, you believe it until it is proven wrong. Even then many of you continue to believe it, refusing to let go of old ideas long after they have been proven inaccurate, ineffective, or unworkable. But at least here, in this dialogue, you’re willing to look at it. And that’s the first step to change. You can’t change anything that you’re not even willing to look at. So, first you have to decide which of your old beliefs are not working. In this conversation we have explored Five Fallacies About God. These are beliefs that no longer work for the human community. There can be no serious argument about that. The fact that they do not work is observable and demonstrable. The continuing condition of conflict on your planet is the demonstration. If your present beliefs about God were accurate, conflict would have been eliminated on your planet long ago. Instead, your beliefs about God actually create conflict. I have pointed this out now repeatedly. The intention is that you will not be able to miss this point – or to ignore it. ================================== To be continued... ================================== Visit CWGConnect if you wish to personally connect with Neale and ask any questions or discuss this material in depth. (NOTE FROM NDW SUPPORT: The above excerpt from The New Revelations represents but a few of the hundreds of pages of world-changing words from God that Neale believes every world leader, every spiritual authority, every economic figure, and every concerned citizen would benefit enormously from considering and embracing. Neale encourages your reading of this entire book, in tandem with The Storm Before the Calm, right now, as these two texts offer insights to humanity directly from the Mind of Divinity, intended to turn our planet’s people from the path of self-destruction.)
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 14:00:00 +0000

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