What are the benefits of all the tumbling the kids do in CrossFit - TopicsExpress


What are the benefits of all the tumbling the kids do in CrossFit Kids classes? Tumbling is only part of the programming CrossFit Kids uses to make sure that the vestibular system is properly stimulated. The program also utilizes many additional exercises such as handstands, skin-the-cats, and bar roll-overs to further accomplish this goal. The vestibular system begins with the inner ear; from here sensory neurons reach the brain and are able to integrate information in order to determine orientation and acceleration. The vestibular system is estimated to have evolved ~500 million years ago (humans split from their nearest evolutionary relative only 6 million years ago) and may be as important as self-locomotion itself (Smith, Darlington, & Zheng). Dysfunction of the vestibular system, including the sensory mechanism as well as all downstream connections, can be the cause of various learning disabilities, anxiety and depression (Smith, Darlington, & Zheng and Wiss). For example, individuals who suffer from inner-ear fluid leakage present with “a variety of cognitive and emotional symptoms, including memory and attention deficits, anxiety, and depression” (Smith, Darlington, & Zheng). Further, astronauts experience what is called the “space stupids,” a result of the interactions of microgravity on the inner ear (Smith, Darlington, & Zheng). To this end, CrossFit Kids has made it a priority to include these types of movements everyday. crossfitkids/info-faq/
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 19:00:00 +0000

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