What are the fees Involved in using DragonukConnects - TopicsExpress


What are the fees Involved in using DragonukConnects Essentially DragonukConnects is set up to be a FREE Professional Networking community Covering the Entertainment Industry in the Mid-Atlantic States (PA, NJ, DE, MD, DC, VA and WV). We offer Basic (FREE) Memberships and PAID memberships for each of the Classes of Memberships we offer. In order for our Community to Thrive and Grow, We Need Memberships in every aspect of our Industry - (Our Membership Profiles are Multi page websites Tailored to the specific needs of each job), and we provide those Members with something they cant easily get anyplace else - EACH OTHER. To Achieve this we have Memberships tailored to: 1) TALENT - Union and NON-Union Actors, TV Show Hosts, Radio Personalities, Singers, Dancers, Musicians, Role Players and Models. 2) PRODUCTION - UNION and NON-Union Freelance Crew (Film, Video, Theatre, TV, Radio) Production Companies (Film, Video, TV, Radio) Indie Filmmakers 3) Theatre--All Theatres, Theatre Groups 4) Resource Providers- Headshot Photographers, Reprint Houses, Teachers/Coaches/Trainers, Unions, Trade Groups/Organizations, Universities/Colleges, Film offices 5) Employers-Casting Directors, Agents, Advertising Agencies, Film/Video Production Company, Theatre Production Company, TV/Radio Production Company, Cable Network, Hospital/University and More. Each Membership has its own set of Profile questions - tailored to that Job - and each membership has the Following tools to assist them in Marketing. Photo Albums We give you bandwidth to Create Photo albums of to fit your individual needs (Talent - Headshots, Character shots, On Set Shots, Modeling Tear Sheets, Production - Past work, Special Equipment, Green Screen Rooms, Theatres - Past or current Performances, Acting Classes, Special Events, Resource Providers - All of your Goods and Services, Employers- Your Past Events. Properly sized Photos allow you to add more photos - Huge Photos use bandwidth and lower the number of photos you can add. Most people get 50-100 photos in the system Video Demo Reels DragonukConnects allows Every member to add 10 different Video Demo Reels. Talent - You need a demo reel for each type of Job you are Looking to do. Demo Reels are Now single job - minute and a half to 3 Minute reels. You need separate reels for Movies, TV Shows, TV Show Hosting. PSAs, Industrials, Commercials, Drama, Comedy, Every language or Dialect you use. Production Whether you are a Company or CREW You need Demo reels to highlight your best work, Animation or Editing Talents, Special Equipment, Green Screen Rooms ETC. Theatres You need reels of Your past Works, Classes, Events, Resource Providers - You need reels of all of your Goods and Services. Employers- Your Past Events. MP3 Voice Reels We allow Every member up to 25 MP 3 Voice reels - We even are set up so you can have 1 come on whenever anyone opens your profile - Introducing yourself and Narrating your site As I said Earlier, DragonukConnects has Both Basic (FREE) and PAID memberships for each type of Membership we Have (Talent, Production, Theatre, Resource Provider, Employer). Basic FREE Members are asked to complete the same Profile Questionnaire, and are Provided with the same Tools but their Memberships are Visible Only to me and My staff. So Why complete Everything - Because I need the information to be able to provide it to those that ask me about you. Basic FREE Members - Your Headshot/Logo ( if you added one ) shows up in every search ( you must have added your Resume or Bio as well ) so those searching know you are there. When they ask me about you I either provide your basic info to them or tell them you provided no Information. If your info is there - it is there- if it is NOT THERE-It is NOT THERE. Profiles without BOTH Headshots/Logos and Resumes/Bios are excluded from all searches Paid Members - Your Headshot/Logo ( if you added one ) shows up in every search ( you must have added your Resume or Bio as well ) so those searching know you are there. Paid Members show up 1st in the searches and those looking to hire you can review your profile information, look at your Photo Albums, Watch your Demo Reels and Listen to your MP3s Including the one you have set up to come on when anyone opens your profile - narrating your Profile. Profiles without BOTH Headshots/Logos and Resumes/Bios are excluded from all searches - EVEN Paid Members. If your info is there - it is there- if it is NOT THERE-It is NOT THERE DragonukConnects - Does a lot of Profile Search Casting Notices We in-put The Employers needs and send The Casting Notice - Only to those that Fit the Employers Needs. Most of these are NOT POSTED to the Daily Newsletter - You only get them when they are E-mailed out. Anyone without both a Headshot/Logo and Resume/Bio have Excluded themselves from Receiving any Profile Search Casting Notices. It does not matter if you are a Basic (FREE) Member or PAID - you either added your Headshot/Logo and Resume/Bio OR you have excluded yourself from receiving them. These Profile Search Casting Notices Can be as specific as a 40 Yr old Asian Male with Blonde Hair and Green Eyes and wears a 40 Regular suit - ANY UNANSWERED QUESTION IN your Profile can exclude you from even Knowing about a Job. Basic (FREE) Member or PAID - You either Completed your Profile Questionnaire or YOU excluded yourself from receiving Job Notices. If your info is there - it is there- if it is NOT THERE-It is NOT THERE Employers, Production Companies (Indie Filmmakers) and THEATRES Can post Jobs/Audition Notices to our Daily Newsletter as often as Needed to fill the positions. We would prefer Limiting the same notice to once a week but can accept 2 with the last notice 2-3 days before an Audition. We do not limit you to TALENT AND PRODUCTION CREW Positions - Paid Staff, Volunteer staff, Ushers, Interns ETC All are welcome ALL are FREE in our Newsletter. Jobs postings can be by both Basic (FREE) members and PAID without further restrictions. Non-Members can post by sending the notice to bdragonuk@hotmail EVERYONE Talent, Employers, Production Companies (Indie Filmmakers), THEATRES, and Resource Providers Can offer things for sale as long as they are Industry Related. Movie Premiers, Theatre Shows, Training Classes, Headshots, Reprint Services, Editing Services, office equipment, Film/Video/Theatre Wardrobe, Sets, or Props ETC. Paid Members can post notices once each week for FREE to our Newsletter. Basic (FREE) Members can post once every 2 weeks for FREE to our Newsletter. Non-Members can post ONCE for FREE to our Newsletter by sending the notice to bdragonuk@hotmail All are Welcome to use our PAID Advertising as Often as they want. Paid Advertising is done on a 1st PAID 1st choice of days basis. We try to limit 1 PAID ad per day until our 8th ad of the week, we then limit it with 2 per day until our 15 ad of the week. When possible we try not to send 2 of the same types of ads in the same day (2 Headshot Photographers ETC) But we have to make allowances if we have a lot of the same ads in 1 week. We also have to make allowances when Scheduled dates are Involved
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 02:55:28 +0000

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