What are the sources of power for the Christian life? The - TopicsExpress


What are the sources of power for the Christian life? The answer is: knowledge and love. This writing is about the power of love. But to grasp the full power of love for God, we need to consider a critical question: What is the primary reason sin gains power over believers? Sin’s power has already been defeated; we are no longer its slaves (Romans 6: 14-17). By virtue of their renewed minds and the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit, sin no more has dominion over those united to Christ (Rom. 12:1-2; Gal. 2:20; 1John 4:4). So why do we yield to sin? The answer is, because we love it! Consider this: if sin did not attract us, it could have no power over us. We turn from God because we are drawn to sin’s temporary pleasures and false promises (Heb. 11: 25; James 1: 14-15). The understanding that sin takes control of our lives through our love of it leads to another critical question: What will drive our love for sin from our hearts? First, understanding that the pleasures of sin are temporary and that its consequences are ruinous will help turn us from sin. But what will cut off love for sin at its source, so that it does not even have the opportunity to gain control of our hearts? The answer is: a surpassing, transforming love. Our love for sin, which grants it present power in our lives, is overcome when displaced by a greater love. When love for Christ exceeds all other loves, we want to please him above all other pleasures. This is why Jesus said, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (John 14” 15). If a surpassing love for God makes his priorities our own, then what fills our hearts with such love for Him? What fills our hearts with love for Jesus? The answer is, in the words of John Newton’s famous hymn, “amazing grace…that saved a wretch like me.” • He loved me before I knew Him. • He died for me while I was yet His enemy. • He keeps me when I fall. • He holds me when I fail. • He remains faithful though I am faithless. • He forgives me when I am wrong, and loves me still. Such grace is intended to fill our hearts with a surpassing love for God that empowers genuine Christian living. The power of grace stimulates our love for God. This is why the apostle Paul could say, “The love of God controls us” (2 Cor. 5:14), and that “The grace of God” is “training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives” (Titus 2: 11-12). Grace leads to godliness. We want to constantly excavate gospel truths from Scripture so that our hearts might be filled with love for God that drives out love for the world. Without love for the world, its temptations have no power. We are not tempted to do what we have no desire to do. Instead, a love for God makes doing His will our greatest joy, and this joy is our strength (Neh. 8:10). So grace motivates and empowers our lives and grace finds its ultimate expression in Christ’s love for us, and as a result we love Him. As a consequence, we delight to love what and whom He loves. Our delight in His delight is not only the power behind personal holiness but the stimulus to love the unlovely, provide for the needy, and care for all that Christ loves. [Ideas from: Bryan Chapell, Senior Pastor, Grace Presbyterian Church, Peoria, Ill.]
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 18:40:39 +0000

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