What are the things that do not break the fast? 1. Having the - TopicsExpress


What are the things that do not break the fast? 1. Having the ears syringed; nose drops and nasal sprays – so long as one avoids swallowing anything that reaches the throat. 2. Tablets that are placed under the tongue to treat angina and other conditions – so long as one avoids swallowing anything that reaches the throat. 3. Anything inserted into the vagina, such as pessaries, douches, scopes or fingers for the purpose of a medical examination. 4. Insertion of a scope or intra-uterine device (IUD or “coil”) and the like into the uterus. 5. Insertion into the urethra – for males or females – of a catheter, opaque dye for diagnostic imaging, medication or solutions for cleansing the bladder. 6. Dental fillings, tooth extractions, cleaning of the teeth, use of siwaak or toothbrush – so long as one avoids swallowing anything that reaches the throat. 7. Rinsing, gargling or applying topical mouth sprays – so long as one avoids swallowing anything that reaches the throat. 8. Subcutaneous, intramuscular or intravenous injections – except for those used to provide nourishment. 9. Oxygen! 10. Anesthetic gases – so long as the patient is not given nourishing solutions. 11. Medications absorbed through the skin, such as creams and patches used to administer medicine and chemicals. 12. Insertion of a catheter into veins for diagnostic imaging or treatment of blood vessels in the heart or other organs. 13. Use of a laparoscope (instrument inserted through a small incision in the abdomen) to examine the abdominal cavity or to perform operations. 14. Taking biopsies or samples from the liver or other organs – so long as this is not accompanied by the administration of solutions. 15. Gastroscopy – so long as this is not accompanied by the administration of solutions or other substances. 16. Introduction of any instrument or medication to the brain or spinal column. 17. According to the most correct view, suppositories, eye-drops, ear-drops, having a tooth extracted and treating wounds do not break the fast 18. Scholars say that if someone has asthma then the asthma sprays are permissible to use as it goes to your lungs and not to your stomach and it is a necessity. 19. Having a blood sample taken does not break the fast and is permissible because it is something that is needed 20. Medicines used by gargling do not break the fast so long as they are not swallowed. If a person has a tooth filled and feels the taste of it in his throat, this does not break his fast. 21. Kissing, hugging, embracing, touching and repeatedly looking at one’s wife or concubine, if a man is able to control himself, is permissible, because it is reported Aisha (r) that the Prophet (saws) used to kiss and embrace his wives whilst he was fasting, but he was the most in control of his desire. However if a person get aroused quickly and is unable to control himself, then it is not permissible for him to kiss or embrace his wife, because that will lead to him breaking his fast, as he cannot be sure that he will be able to avoid ejaculating or having intercourse. 22. If a person who is fasting sleeps and experiences a wet dream, this does not break his fast, according to scholarly consensus (Ijmah), so he should complete his fast. Delaying doing ghusl does not break the fast, but he should hasten to do ghusl so that he can pray and so that the angels will draw close to him. 23. The emission of wadi (a thick white sticky substance that comes out after urination with no sense of physical pleasure, usually due to some sort of an illness), does not break the fast, and a person does not have to do ghusl, but he does have to do istinjaa’ (clean his private parts) and do wudu. 24. If a person unintentionally swallows something that is stuck between his teeth, or if it is so small that he could not tell it was there or spit it out, this is counted as being part of his saliva and it does not break his fast. But if it is big enough to spit out, he should spit it out. If he spits it out, this is OK, but if he swallows it, this breaks his fast. If it can be diluted in the mouth, in whole or in part, and it has an added taste or sweetness, it is Haram for him to chew it. 25. If a person spits out water after rinsing his mouth, his fast is not affected by any moisture or wetness that is left behind, because he cannot help it. 26. If a person suffers from a nosebleed, his fast is still valid, because this is something that is beyond his control. 27. If he has gum ulcers or his gums bleed after using the siwaak (tooth stick), it is not permissible for him to swallow the blood; he has to spit it out. However, if some blood enters his throat by accident, and he did not mean for that to happen, there is no need to worry. 28. With regard to mucus coming from the head (nose and sinuses) and phlegm coming from the chest by coughing and clearing the throat, if it is swallowed before it reaches the mouth, this does not break a person’s fast, because it is a problem which all people have, but if it is swallowed after it reaches the mouth, this does break the fast. However, if it is swallowed unintentionally, it does not break the fast. 29. Inhaling water vapors, as may happen to people working in desalination plants, does not break the fast. 30. Using siwaak is Sunnah for the one who is fasting at all times of the day, even if it is wet. If a person who is fasting uses a siwaak and detects some heat or other taste from it and swallows it, or if he takes the siwaak out of his mouth and sees saliva on it then puts it back in his mouth and swallows the saliva, this does not break his fast. He should avoid any substance that can be diluted, such as the green siwaak, or siwaak that has any extra flavor added to it, like lemon or mint. He should spit out any small pieces that come off the siwaak in his mouth; he should not swallow them deliberately, but if he swallows them accidentally, there is no harm done. 31. If a fasting person is injured or suffers a nosebleed, or gets water or petrol in his mouth by accident, this does not break his fast. If he gets dust, smoke or flies in his mouth by accident, this does not break his fast either. Things that one cannot avoid swallowing, like one’s own saliva, or dust from grinding flour, do not break the fast. If a person gathers a lot of saliva in his mouth then swallows it on purpose, this does not break the fast, according to the most correct opinion. 32. If tears reach one’s throat, or if a person applies oil to his hair or moustache, or uses henna, and then detects the taste of it in his throat, this does not break his fast. Using henna, kohl or oil does not break the fast. This also applies to creams used to moisturize and soften the skin. 33. There is nothing wrong with smelling pleasant fragrances, using perfume or applying scented creams and the like. There is nothing wrong with a fasting person using bukhoor (incense), so long as he does not use it as snuff. 34. Immersing oneself in water or wrapping oneself in wet clothes in order to cool down does not break the fast. There is nothing wrong with pouring water over one’s head to obtain relief from heat and thirst. Swimming is disliked, because it might make one break the fast (by swallowing water). If a person’s work involves diving and he can be sure that he will not get water in his mouth, there is nothing wrong with this.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 04:49:12 +0000

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