What are think tanks? Themselves think tanks are presented as - TopicsExpress


What are think tanks? Themselves think tanks are presented as non-governmental organizations (NGOs), whose stated aim is the development of democracy, free markets, civil society, individual rights, etc. They claim to engage in research in the fields of politics, law, sociology, economy and even culture. organize meetings and conferences, issuing printed materials are present in the media, lobby for the passage of Certain laws they themselves write bills. Wheres the problem? problem is basic and fundamental - think tanks constitute or develop civil society, as no initiative for the establishment, or the problems dealt with raised bottom, ie by citizens. Initiative for their creation and their activity can be specified by their sponsors through so-called project basis, ie finance only pleasing to sponsor issues and tasks that have little to do with the interests of citizens. Who are the sponsors of think tanks? capitalism Magna currency speculator George Soros , through his Foundation Open Society is probably the most famous sponsor think tanks. Nearly all Bulgarian think tanks from the Open Society. following organizations main sponsor is USAID ( United States Agency for International Development, United States Agency for International Development ). If you go to her site (2) you will find a very cynical abuse of their own (on trusts) concepts. Quote USAID is an independent agency of the federal government is under the overall direction of the Secretary of State (2). One of the main claims of think tanks is to be independent of the precise state. USAID is an independent hem, hem is a government ...! None of think tanks is not disturbed by it. Yes, you are right, think tanks are independent of the governments of the countries in which they operate, they are dependent on the U.S. government . Only a partial course. USAID had an office in Sofia in 2008. another sponsoring organization NED ( National Endowment for Democracy, National Endowment for Democracy ). On its website we find the same ambiguity NED is a private nonprofit foundation ... Each year, with funding from Congress [U.S.] NED supports more than 100 projects of non-governmental organizations ... in more than 90 countries . (3). NED mentioned and a front for CIA operations (4). Follow Dzharman Marshall Fund of the United States (5) Foundations Ford (6) Rockefeller (7) Carnegie , Freedom House (7), etc. For the past few typical that more than half of the members of the board of trustees belong to private corporations, mostly banks and consulting firms, as, accidental or not, now is always attended by a representative of Goldman Sachs, Citigroup or Morgan Stanley (see endnotes). mind-control Funders are not just the United States. World Bank, Council of Europe, European Commission Development Programme UN organizations such as Friedrich Naumann and Konrad Adenauer and even companies like Thyssen Krupp and Scandinavian ministries are also involved in funding think tanks . Large amount of think tanks in the world amounts to several thousand. Among the most famous are the institutes Cato (SATO or Cato as IME) and Hoover, enter Heritage FOUNDATION Fraser Institute - Canada Visenshaftskoleg - Berlin, ELIAMEP - Greece, CASE - Poland, RAND Institute Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) - United States, Woodrow Wilson Center - Washington. Foundations as the Konrad Adenauer and Friedrich Naumann also function as think tanks. Central European University in Budapest is also a creation of Soros and the prototype of the NBU. At the end of the 90s the World Bank established the Global Development Network (Global Development Network) to whose formation is relevant and Ivan Krastev, founder of the Bulgarian think tank CLS. Scheme of the global network of think tanks is kind of inverted tree. By those foundations, the U.S. government, corporations and families as the Rockefellers stay on top of the funding, while the World Bank is on top of ideological and technical mentoring. From that peak funding relatively opaque path descends down the branches of the tree on the principle of subcontracting. For example, NED will allocate a large sum of money for the project of U.S. think tank the Institute as Hoover (Hoower Institute) or Cato. He in turn will allocate funds to other local think tanks, such as Hungary, France, the Philippines, Russia. Hungarian think tank funded projects will still give money to the Bulgarian, Albanian or Serbian think-tank. Bulgarian tank respectively will finance organization or business in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Croatia and Ukraine. direct funding from the Open Society and USAID also used, especially in the 90s. This is the period of the development and establishment of Bulgarian think tanks. In this period, according to the book of Lavery, prevailing institutional to project funding, ie to give money to the cap that budgets are funded think tanks . mind-control Individuals and think tanks For think tanks is a characteristic that is not present with their names and with their people. So when Ivan Krastev said on television he presents himself as a political scientist, not as creator and head of the think tank CLS (CLS). For Ivan Krastev can safely say that it is black cardinal of Bulgarian transition. Georgi Ganev, Rumen Avramov, Dejan Kyuranov and Y. GROZEV also of CLS. Evgeni Daynov , lecturer at the New Bulgarian University (NBU) is the founder of the Center social practices (CSP). Since CSP is Vasil Garnizov also lecturer at university. Minchev is the founder of the think tank Institute for Regional and International Studies (IRIS). One of the most damaging for the country think-tank the Institute for Market Economics (IME). The competence of its director Svetla Marinova I wrote. Here you will find another text that is an example of the connections between politicians, think tanks and psevdoikonomisti. Founder of IME is Krassen Stanchev - Executive Director of IME (1993 - January 2007) an MP in the Grand National Assembly (1990-1991), Chairman of the Committee on the Environment, a member of the economic and legal committees, member of the Council for Economic Policy the president (1996 - 2001). Members of the Council of IME do not have random people: Levon Hampartsumian Martin Zaimov, Kalin Hristov, Dimitar Voutchev . Other Bulgarian think tanks are Center for the Study of Democracy ( Ognjan Shentov Prohasky Vladimir Yordanov, Alexander Stoyanov ), European Institute ( Vladimir Kisiov Panaiotova Love ), International Center for Minority Studies and Intercultural Relations ( Zhelyazkova, ) Foundation Paideia ( Georgi Kazakov, Martin Zaimov ), Centre for Advanced Studies ( Alexander Kiossev ). The group of think tanks falls, and said to me Institute for Studies of the Recent Past ( Ivaylo Znepolski professor at SU, Dimitar Panitza ). Let us not miss the mother of all think tanks - Open Society Institute - Sofia ( George Stoytchev Georgi Angelov ). All mentioned here are right-wing think tanks, liberal and even extreme right. In the network appeared and left trusts after 2002. This is the Institute for Social Integration ( Zivko Georgiev ... Sergey Stanishev ). This will stop the listing of Bulgarian think tanks. In any case I missed some, but the purpose of this text is to give them a full list. However, should not be missed New Bulgarian University , which is also funding from Soros and intertwined very closely with think tanks. In this group I would set and the American University in Blagoevgrad, although he does not appear in the book of Lavery. Activities of think tanks Activities of think tanks cover vast area, which generally can be called passing a foreign corporate interests under the guise of creating a democratic society . The language of the think tanks it is called the creation or preservation of the liberal consensus. Think tanks are usurpers of public opinion . Their undeclared aim is to dominate public opinion, so an alternative idea could not break through . Think tanks do this thanks entirely to external financing amid internal poverty of countries like Bulgaria. The zenith of their efforts are color revolutions which swept across Eastern Europe a few years ago (9). Formation of our staff One of the stated objectives of the sponsors of think tanks is the development of political and economic specialists (young, energetic and innovative in the definition of trusts). Formation of friendly elites in foreign countries is a long imperial practice of Western countries, especially the United States. So begins the story of neoliberalism in Latin America - the training of a large number of Latin American students in the Chicago School of Milton Friedman (10). But while one in Latin America is not taken seriously footage of Chicago School before the U.S. settle Pinochets coup, in Bulgaria PA transmit their ideological positions and invite yourself (Andrey Lukanov) Open Society. In the absence of funding and a strong ideology of Western foundations easily find candidates to receive money, privileges, travel abroad and modern education, that is, indoctrination and charged with ideological allegiance. In the Open Society and think tanks have been more than you think Bulgarian politicians. Among them were Alexander Bozhkov Dimitar Ludjev, said Krassen Stanchev, Nikolay Mladenov, Minister Sergei Ignatov, Martin Dimitrov . But the bulk of politicians think tanks do not enter politics and stand in the shade. This is required to maintain their image of independent experts. As experts, however, they actually write the laws of our country rules them down funding bodies. One purpose of think tanks is to monopolize the social, political and economic expertise, so that whatever government it is no alternative to demand for expert opinion. Taking into account that the left Stanishev government introduced a flat tax of 10% and IME claims it is convinced of this, then we can say that, Bulgarian think tanks successfully monopolized the political social and economic expertise . Their latest blow in this direction is the pressure of the GERB government against Sofia University and the Academy of Sciences carried out by one of the World Bank and the NBU. Andrei Karlov Lukanov Lobbying Another major task of think tanks is lobbying. Experts are relatively close relations with politicians and political parties . They provide significant support to the UDF in the 90s. They even wrote speeches Ivan Kostov and Nadezhda Mihailova. Their lobbying is not limited to the passage of the bills they wrote in projects funded from outside. Even lobbying for the interests of private American companies, one known case mentioned in the book is supported by Minchev for giving Maritza East 1 U.S. AES (11). Role of the Ministry of Truth (by Orwell) Three very important task of think tanks has information monopoly . Controlling the democratic society is not limited to controlling government decisions and legislation. It is necessary to control and public opinion, the opinion of the people to have full assurance that they will occur uncontrolled idea below, from the people, as it is expected to occur in a democratic society. precisely why experts from think tanks are popping in the media. Media appearance was one of their goals, which is accountable to donors, example is the IME reports. The symbiosis between media and think tanks is quite narrow. Almost no large major daily newspaper in which the experts can not publish. Publications Economedi ( Prokopiev ), Diary and Capital is something like a platform for think tanks. Shows like Sunday 150 Radio and Panorama BNT were taken from the experts and surrender as a great choice on BNT jury Nikolay Mladenov and Martin Dimitrov, a total, fully directed media extravaganza bearing a message similar to old-acceptance Komsomol. brain trusts have their own language and code that manipulate public opinion. the foreground highlighting simple dichotomies that put people to a nonexistent choice in the media is known as civilizational choice . In the language code of the handles on one side stand the past, Communism, East, Balkans, Russia, Orthodox, totalitarianism, premodern society, coercion, stiffness, etc., and on the other the future, capitalism, West, USA, Europe, enlightenment, market democracy, modernity, freedom, dynamism. Any event or personality sticking with the label and it should not deplete the discussion. As we are 500 years Turkified now again our Janissaries us poevropeychvat. Atmosphere of anticommunism and national humiliation due to the relatively successful 45 years socialism creates the think-tanks on behalf of those who were our enemies during the Cold War. Negative mythology about socialism (communism called intentional) and no alternative to capitalism, human nature, the legacy of Communism and other mass lies are created for the international network of think tanks. almost your whole opinion about socialism and the transition to capitalism and the market economy is probably a product of the think tanks. Export information Another activity of think tanks is the export of information. Quite Lavery called think tanks mediators. On the one hand they carried foreign country, the most common adverse ideas that are not in our interest, and the other exported reports on Bulgaria. No, I do not think that the think tanks themselves evaluate Bulgaria. Their methodology is lowered over the network (which is outside), they follow the instructions and return the result. These are such pompous parameters such as the degree of democratization (and imaginary parameter declared by Freedom House), the Index of Economic Freedom (announced by the think tank, Fraser Institute and ward for Bulgaria IME), an index of business climate, investment climate, corruption and so on. Think tanks produce reports and private corporations and banks that are considering investment in Bulgaria. In this way, think tanks and bring your other income, which is also a reason to say they are independent. fact that the reports of these people represent our country abroad, including to potential investors indicates the degree of Bulgaria which depends on them . How does the network can be illustrated with the theme corruption. It becomes relevant on behalf of the World Bank. Practices that the Bank and the IMF imposed in the 90s led to decline. Transition in most socialist countries was mildly successful. To save himself from criticism and find an excuse to push for more drastic shrinkage of countries using World Bank corruption. Corruption and crime are the result of the measures of the World Bank and the IMF, not the cause of their failure. now that result from ideologically motivated measures of the World Bank and the IMF is used to push for more such measures. Illustrative words - drug poisoning patients, but better - increase the dose. This logic also dates from the time of Pinochet, when in the first years after the coup decline is total and assistance to scurry Milton Friedman with a recommendation for more radical reforms. Hidden diplomacy Think tanks dealing with covert diplomacy by inviting government officials to its workshops and conferences, and so they organize informal meetings. Direct lobbying for meetings with government officials also practiced. Even before the crisis of the 1997th World Bank and International Monetary Fund pressed the government of Zhan Videnov to introduce a currency board. On this occasion, Evgeni Daynov tried to arrange a meeting with George Soros Zhan Videnov as parallel pressured with threats that foreign investors will withdraw capital and cause a crisis. Zhan Videnov did not agree to a meeting with Soros ... Ivan Krastev, black cardinal of Bulgarian transition, founder and director of the think tank CLS Ivan Krastev, black cardinal of Bulgarian transition, founder and director of the think tank CLS Professor Eugene Daynov founder and head of the think tank Center for Social Practices. Political scientist Minchev, founder of the think tank Institute for Regional and International Studies. Professor Eugene Daynov founder and head of the think tank Center for Social Practices. Political scientist Minchev, founder of the think tank Institute for Regional and International Studies. Political scientist Minchev, founder of the think tank Institute for Regional and International Studies. Krassen Stanchev, founder of the Institute for Market Economics. Krassen Stanchev, founder of the Institute for Market Economics. Ognjan Shentov, founder of the think tank Center for the Study of Democracy Ognjan Shentov, founder of the think tank Center for the Study of Democracy Alexander Kiossev, Center for Advanced Studies Alexander Kiossev, Center for Advanced Studies Notorious expert in everything, Georgi Angelov, senior economist at the Open Society Institute - Sofia. Recently, this expert invent a new history of Argentina. Notorious expert in everything, Georgi Angelov, senior economist at the Open Society Institute - Sofia. Recently, this expert invent a new history of Argentina. Control even of culture From the tentacles of the think tanks do not get away even cultural figures. Open Society has its own department for culture. Red House in Sofia is also the work of Bulgarian think tanks and newspaper editor Culture Koprinka CHervenkova is also close to the think tanks and shared their views. Claims of scientific They can be decorated with the name of independent experts think tanks officials purport to do science and that the scientific approach gives them the right to advise both the government and the people. In reality, people think tanks are neither independent nor expert . Or put another way, experts, but in the manipulation. According to the book of pretty Lavery think tanks are in conflict with the academic world and in our country and around the world. Heart of the conflict are unscientific methods used by think tanks and therefore they can not be recognized scientists. Therefore they usurp academic legitimacy by attacking real science with arguments that it is outdated and inflexible. In our country, this conflict is expressed strongly in attacks on SU and BAS. The same conflict in France writes quite Lavery and in the U.S. - Paul Krugman albeit indirectly. Communists? There is no doubt that among the experts in think tanks have people who understand that if their work has to do with democracy and civil society, it is their suffocation. I guess that think tanks have failed so people that consciously and purposefully pushing this interest powers that be with the excuse that they are now the times. Lavery quite sufficient detail the internal conflict between donors and recipients of funding, creating terminology and artificial ways to blur the otherwise obvious fact to all that think tanks emerge and survive on the initiative of donors and projects are implemented, the results are predetermined vklyuchaya the sponsors. Therefore, almost all political think tanks are oriented between the right and extreme right. Of experts from think tanks have their foreign messianism, arrogance and ignorance. Ultimately, one can perceive no alternative to neoliberalism and capitalism only because of ignorance. But ignorance is what they are trained in the West. A more accurate term is not education, but indoctrination. Conquest of the Bulgarian political expert and cultural space indoctrinated vrazkari mean one thing - decapitation of the country and deprived of an intellectual elite sunk in ignorance, to the extent that we can not choose a handful of government and the National Assembly. Choice is still between incompetent national traitors. GERB is a very good illustration of this fact. While some consolation lets mention that the founders of the Bulgarian think tanks, Ivan Krastev, Evgeni Daynov Dejan Kyuranov etc. children are members of the Central Committee of the Communist Party or their aides, and have experience as teachers or researchers ideological disciplines (eg, the Institute of History of the Communist Party). Facts of their biographies are usually hidden, but the book reveals them. Lavery itself is the daughter of former communists (The book has interviews with her mother Maria Pirgova), but unlike the experts did not change their ideology (if it had any) is not embraced pro-American dokrtinerstvo and promotes foreign interests. Probably because it is trapped in France, according to the experts think-tanks is backward socialist country .
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 19:40:29 +0000

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