What are we all paying taxes for? What I am asking is exactly what - TopicsExpress


What are we all paying taxes for? What I am asking is exactly what do we get for the great amount of money we hand over to our government? I remember reading a congressional breakdown once of where our tax dollars go- I definitely recall seeing bridges, highways and road maintenance. It came under the heading of INFRASTRUCTURE. In 1956 the Highway Trust Fund was enacted and started earning money specially marked for Maintenance and upkeep of Americas road systems. In 2008 when Tax Revenues declined because of the financial crisis, Congress robbed the Fund and had to pay it back...but they didnt. Since Obama came into office, his Democratic Party has passed legislation that lets them keep taking over 55 billion annually for non-highway projects. There is still some money in the Fund but since the roads and bridges around the country are in pretty good shape still no one has come forward to cry Theft. Then why are we being told now that a 12 cent tax increase will have to be added onto gasoline when we already pay over a dollar in tax for each gallon purchased? The president said that infrastructure is expensive and needs to be addressed. From 2008 on we have been soaked and put on the hook for Obamas Quantitative Easings or Stimulus 2, 3 and 4. We are still shelling out money borrowed from China to give to the Middle East and every country of Obamas choosing to keep on friendly terms. Where did the 600 Billion go that was supposed to be earmarked for shovel ready jobs like bridges and highways. I distinctly remember hearing Barack laugh that those shovel ready jobs werent as shovel ready as he thought but they were still going to sink so much of the Stimulus into the economy as upkeep and maintenance of the nations transportation systems. Am I wrong? Did anyone else hear him say these things? Where is the MONEY, OUR MONEY? CHINAS MONEY? On top of the Highway Trust Fund is this nearly Trillion dollars of Stimulus that seems to have been waylaid. 713 Billion was pulled from Medicare to pay for Obamacare and 8 Billion of that was wasted on just implementing it though to this day it still does not work. Lets see- 55 Billion annually, 600 Billion taken 4 years ago, 713 Billion taken 3 years ago, Federal Income tax revenue just to June of this year is a whopping 2.25 Trillion. So why are we running a 385.5 Billion deficit still for 2014. Why are WE owing the rest of the world 17 Trillion? Why are we holding unfunded liabilities in excess of 127 TRILLION? Why is Obama still in office. Why is he even still on this side of the grass? How unAmerican and criminal does he think himself since he railed at Bush for much less? Not at all. You should have read his books before voting him in to office. The original colonists, the first real republic of Americans, went to war with England over a 3 cent kings tax on tea. We are, at best, about 3-5 years away from total collapse and occupation by foreign nationals This was Obamas plan all along. Letting terrorists go, opening our borders wide, laying off our armies now when we need them more than ever because he drew red lines in the sand and then backed away from them, marking us as cowards, insulting our allies, killing industry with crushing regulations, Attacking 1st, 2nd, 4th, what ...even the 22nd Ammendment. Bankrupting us was the easiest part- Both sides of Congress helped him with that but Reid did the most by blocking sensible legislation or any kind of budget. Obamas probably laughing right now.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 17:08:59 +0000

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