What are you gonna do with a God like this..? I was scheduled - TopicsExpress


What are you gonna do with a God like this..? I was scheduled to speak in a mega church last night. I was told to see the Bishop of the church six hours before the speaking engagement. I was thinking on my way, this meeting is too early prior to the service. However, this is one meeting that I could not afford to miss. The Bishop is very well known in Brazil and very influential all over the world. He is one of the major keys if a minister wants tough doors to be opened up. We need two doors to be opened up for us: the door of influence to put this ministry on TV at Brazil and the door of recommendation to churches in London. I want to penetrate Europe. I need to start among the major cities. This bishop is the key. We arrived at Salvador de Bahia and met him. When I get there, he said, I want you to prophesy and I am bringing several people in a few minutes in this room. In five minutes, less than 30 people occupied the conference room. Unbeknownst to me, each one of them represents the mountains of the society. The society is divided in several compartments: government, media, education, religion, entertainment, family and business. At the start of the meeting as I prayed, a gush of a powerful breakthrough came to the prayer and you can feel the tangible ripping at the atmosphere. The open heaven came. The room brightens up in the glory of God. The next one hour was spent warring in the spirit over Brazil`s national elections in two weeks. After that was done, I proceeded to prophesy to each one of them. Two hours later, the Bishop was laughing at the room after everyone left. He was musing, this is unbelievable precision and accuracy. I knew each one of them because they are in my church! He recalled the prophecy of the federal accountant. That morning he told the bishop that he will resign from his job. The workload was too much and he is imploding with the pressure. But the prophetic word that he got, is that he should not quit. That the increase is coming from God and wisdom will be multiplied as he goes about with it. The federal accountant almost left his job that day until he received a word to continue. No prior information was given to me. I did not know how clever the bishop is until I was told at the end of the session. He planted a Catholic lady in that room. As everyone received a word, only the Catholic lady was prophesied about idolatry. I remembered prophesying to her that God will deal with her idolatry and all of its residue. At that junction, something was validated in the heart of the bishop. After the prophesying session was over, he said, Are you sure God is releasing you to go back to New York tomorrow? I replied, are you getting something different in your spirit? He said, I do not think you can go back yet. I paused when he said that. I told him, Bishop, you only have tonight and tomorrow morning to act upon what God is impressing you. Noontime, I will be at the airport already. He left me for two minutes and told me, We are cancelling your flight tomorrow and re-booking you for Sunday. God has other plans but let me bring you now to the sanctuary. It is Service time. So we left for the sanctuary. While heading towards the sanctuary, I told him that he will love the message. He will love the content of it and what he will see. The message was exploding and at the every end the congregation was on their feet already. The church is having a Holy Ghost`s party with the message! It looks like we have a derby in the building. While I was preaching, the bishop gave me a hand signal to finish off the message in 5 minutes. I told the congregation, I have five minutes left. This will be the best 5 minutes that you will hear in a message! I went on to conclude the message. The applause was deafening at the conclusion of the sermon! I was rushed to leave the sanctuary as text messages are flooding that the Senator who missed our meeting the other night was already waiting for me. I was rushed to proceed to the Senator`s residence to prophesy. As I am about to leave the church building, the bishop told me that I will be taken out from my ocean front hotel where I was staying. I will be transferred to a five star hotel. He said, you are not an ordinary person. You are a queen in the Kingdom! The place where you are staying does not suit your calling and anointing. Go and meet the senator, we will take care of your hotel. And he said, by the way, You will speak at the stadium this Saturday. You will stand before 50,000 people! We have an event this weekend at the stadium. I am going to give up my slot to speak and you will speak on my slot instead..! Oh, my Lord..! That was the very reason why he cancelled my flight for Wednesday to move it this coming Sunday in order to speak in a humongous crowd. That size of the stadium was the same size that was used by the Soccer World Cup last June here in Brazil! What is interesting because I told David, my translator, I saw myself standing in that stadium in the next 10 years! We were driving towards meeting the bishop when I saw that vision in my spirit. What I did not realize is that I am going to see it in 4 days, not in 10 years! Only God...! The bishop told me, Benny Hinn never came to our city. Billy Graham did not. Morris Cerullo did. I am glad you are here in this City. You will stand and speak at the stadium! You are a re-enforcement to what we do so we can soar again! I am drunk in the Spirit and overwhelmed in the unfolding of this event. If God is going to do this in 4 days on what I thought would happen in ten years, where would this ministry be in that period? I will allow you to play out your imagination. Watchmen, I need your intercession more than ever. I will speak in this stadium this coming Saturday and I will desperately need your prayer back up. My first to this size of platform...! The photos below were taken during The Prophetic Congress in Feira de Santana and Aligonhas, Brazil. The glory of God is all over it! The thin white cloud that looks like a fog or smoke has been following our events since 2012. The first time I visibly saw this was in 2008 when I started ministering in Sara, Iloilo, Philippines. Blogging to you from Salvador de Bahia, Brazil!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 13:17:02 +0000

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