What are you worried about today? Family? Friends? Money? - TopicsExpress


What are you worried about today? Family? Friends? Money? Illness? Employment? Weight? Appearance? Clothing? Transportation? Shelter? Well, dont worry, be happy. That help? No, I didnt think that it would. Worry is a tradition handed down from generations. It started when Adam and Eve were evicted from the garden. Matthew 6:34 ESV “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. This is but one of many verses where Jesus is telling us not to worry, not to be anxious. Why? Simple. He wants us to rely on God for everything. Every thing. Does that mean we just sit around and wait for someone to take care of us? No. Obviously it doesnt. We are to be productive and work. We are to think about and plan for tomorrow. We are to build and create and take care of our families. (Until they are old enough to take care of themselves.) But Jesus is talking about the fretting we do. What if Ebola comes to our house tomorrow? Is ISIS in Chattanooga yet? Who do you trust? Our trust in tomorrow must be in the Lord our God. He may call you home tonight and you will have worried about it for nothing. You know what worry looks like. It looks like a job that you spend too much time at. It looks like a night where instead of enjoying your family, you shut them out because of what tomorrow may bring. 90% of what you worry about never takes place. You just stress yourself out over nothing. And a lot of our worries come from bad decisions that we make. We need a new car. Where will the money come from. We got mad and quit our job. Some of our worry comes from health issues. Its hard not to worry. Worry is concern. And there are legitimate things to worry about today. We dont need tomorrows worries added to today. So what do we do? We pray. Thats right. We talk to God. Either we trust Him or we dont. And when You trust God, you know two things for sure. You know He will do whats right. And you may or may not like it. LordJesus, we need You. We ask that today, You will take our worries and anxiety and frustration over things that we build up in our minds and give us Your peace. We pray for real answers to hard issues. We pray for more of You and less of the world. We pray for salvation in Your Holy Name.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 09:53:17 +0000

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