What bench marks do we have to help us decide between Loyalty and - TopicsExpress


What bench marks do we have to help us decide between Loyalty and Treason? What is it to be loyal to one’s country or to betray one’s country? In the United Kingdom we have a Parliamentary democracy headed by the King or Queen, how does Parliament work? Parliament is made up of three things, the House of Commons in which our elected representatives sit. The House of Lords in which the Lords Spiritual,(the Bishops) the Lords Temporal (the Barons) sit and the King or Queen who sits in the House of Lords being the top Baron in the Kingdom. It has become convention since 1420 for the House of Commons to start legislation, which then goes to the House of Lords, who vet the legislation accept it, reject it or send it back to the House of Commons with recommendations how it should be amended. If it passes through both Houses it is then put before the King for the Royal Assent. When it gets the assent from the King it then becomes law. The King is born of the Common Law, he is part hereditary part elected. The King has advisors who were originally the important men in the Kingdom, these developed into the Saxon Witan and the Witan into a Parliament as we now know it. This is how it should work. There are different types of law the oldest being the common law which started out as a set of rules to allow people to live together in harmony and there is constitutional law. This in large measure is a confirmation of the rules of the common law by the King and by a charter. Such constitutional laws are the Charter of Liberties 1100, Magna Carta 1215, the Petition of Right 1628, and the 1689 Bill of Rights. Then there is statute law. There is a great deal of misunderstanding of statute law. Parliament itself was born of the common law and the common law gave Parliament the right to clarify the common law. As society developed the common law was unable to supply a remedy for cases of wrongdoing. Therefore Parliament made law by statute to provide a new remedy. Statute law is real law, but only as long as the statute complies with the spirit of the common law. Which can be very basically described as do no harm. Loyalty to the King and the Kingdom is a duty imposed on us all in exchange for the protection afforded to us by the King. Treason is a breach of our duty of loyalty to the King or the Kingdom. It is important to understand this if we are to understand what follows. Since 1420 when the House of Commons demanded and got the right to initiate all legislation, the Commons has been on a power grab. In 1609 the Commons wrote to the House of Lords describing themselves as the Knights, Burgess’s and Barons, of the High Court of Parliament. The House of Lords replied saying that under no circumstances would they accept the Commons as Barons of Parliament and without the Lords they were no court at all. In 1667 the Commons told the Lords they could not amend a money bill, a ten year row ensued but in 1677 the Lords agreed not to amend money bills. This had far reaching and unseen consequences which had devastating effects on the Kingdom. In 1909 the government of Asquith put forward a budget which promised the common man a pension, the House of Lords looked at this and believing they could not amend a money bill, and realising the extra tax needed to fund this pension was more than the common man could afford on top of the taxes they already paid. The Lords rejected the budget, Asquith told the Lords he was putting a bill forward to prevent the Lords from rejecting a bill. The Lords said they would reject it, but Asquith said he would put 500 new lords into the Upper House and they would vote for its abolition, the Lords caved in. The bill was put before King Edward VII who rejected it on the grounds it removed a protection from his subjects and it was unconstitutional. The King ordered Asquith to go to the country, Asquith and his ministers went around the country telling everyone those horrible Lords would not let the working man have a pension. The Lords felt it was beneath them to put their side of the argument. Asquith was re-elected and the 1911 Parliament Act was created and passed into law. King Edward saying when he opened Parliament that the only reason he was putting this forward was because his ministers told him he must. This was the end of Parliament as a democratic body. It placed the House of Commons in the position of being able to do anything it wanted to without any restraint. As a result the House of Commons were able to repeal laws like the 1351 Act of Provisors which prevented the disposal of English assets to a foreign owner, and the 1351 Act of Praemunire which forbad the importation of any foreign law into England or for any of his Bishops to excommunicate any of his subjects on the orders of the Pope, or for any of his subjects to be drawn out of England to be tried in foreign courts. These two major laws were originally designed to protect the Kingdom. It was the removal of these two ancient laws which allowed Edward Heath to put through his 1972 European Communities Act, and when Edward Heath signed the Treaty of Rome he surrendered our fishing grounds, a very valuable English asset, to the EEC and on that day we imported more law than we had made for ourselves in the previous 700 years. Some 2000 extra laws in one day! Edward Heath had a duty of Loyalty to Her Majesty and he took the oath of a Privy Councillor in which he swore to uphold and defend all Her Majesty’s Rights, Privileges, pre-eminences, and Prerogatives. When he put through the 1972 EEC Act he knew he was surrendering this Kingdom to foreign rule entirely contrary to the oaths he had taken. Edward Heath had committed high treason against Her Majesty, contrary to the 1351 Treason Act, and high treason against the people of England and the English Constitution. Every European treaty since has surrendered more powers to a foreign power, the European Union, and were acts of high treason against the Queen and people of the United Kingdom by those in Government. By doing this Edward Heath had imagined the death of Her Majesty as a Sovereign Queen which is high treason contrary to the 1351 Treason Act. He also subverted the English Constitution, the major crime of Sedition at Common Law, and at this level of sedition an act of high treason against the English Constitution and Her Majesty’s subjects. Winston Churchill said in 1938 “That this country breeds a type of man who is very well educated and highly intelligent, who think they know best. They can’t help themselves they always commit treason.” Such a man was Edward Heath he thought he knew what was best for this Ancient Kingdom he was wrong of course. Traitors are never right. Heath as an Englishman and a Privy Councillor had an absolute duty of loyalty to this Kingdom. A loyalty he betrayed. Many years ago I worked in Heath’s house in Chelsea and he was the most odious man I have ever met. So his treason did not surprise me. So what did he do? Edward Heath was tasked by McMillan to carry out negotiations for the United Kingdom to join the European Economic Community. For entirely the wrong reason De Gaul said “non”. When he became Prime Minister Heath was determined to take us into the EEC at any cost. Sir Con O’Neil, our chief negotiator, was told not to negotiate but to accept whatever the French offered. Sir Con O’Neil coined the phrase “Swallow it whole Swallow it now”. The laws which prevented our membership of the EEC had already been removed which was the Act of Provisors. This was repealed in the Criminal Law Revision Act 1948 and the Act of Praemunire was repealed in the Criminal Law Act 1967. The way was now clear for Heath to commit high treason but how did he go about it? The first thing he did was to contact a man named Norman Redaway who worked at the Foreign Office in a department called the ‘Information Research Department’ (IRD) which during the 2nd world war was know as the Office of Strategic Services. Redaway was a spook. Heath asked him if he could change the mind of the British people and Redaway said he could do that, he needed help and he got it from a man named Anthony Royle. Did Heath know what he was doing? The answer is yes and he sought advice from Lord Kilmuir, the Lord Chancellor. Use this link to read Lord Kilmuir’s letter, which contain explanatory comments in red. A conspiracy was set-up designed to subvert the English Constitution the major crime of sedition, and at this level of sedition an act of high treason. And to hand this Kingdom lock stock and barrel to a foreign power the EEC the major crime of high treason – but how to do it? First they organized breakfast meetings at the Conaught Hotel in London. These meetings were attended by Government Ministers, MP’s the British Council for the European Movement, and top people from ITV the BBC and the national newspapers. At these meetings the media people were persuaded to remove all their front line anti EEC reporters and to replace them with pro EEC reporters. They set up a department in a back room of Chatham House where 5 people wrote thousands of letters all purporting to come from people like you and me, every letter saying what a great idea this EEC was. However the IRD did not have a facility to distribute them, so they were distributed to the central offices of the Conservative, Labour and Liberal parties and the British Council for the European Movement. They had them signed and sent to the letters pages of the News outlets. By this method they completely skewed the public’s perception of what was best for the Kingdom, them and their families. Heath also asked the Foreign office what effect joining the EEC would have on Britain? They told him it would mean surrendering powers to govern to a foreign power, and taking on foreign laws. Both Lord Kilmuir and the Foreign Office said it would mean surrendering powers to govern to a foreign power which Lord Kilmuir said had never been done. Of course it hadn’t because to do that was treason. The Foreign Office went so far as to say “it is important for our politicians to get positions of authority in the European Parliament ready for the day it takes over”. The rest as they say is history. Heath is dead but others are not. Our job now must be to reverse this ongoing treason by putting on trial the surviving members of Heath’s machine. In order to do that, check acasefortreason.org.uk
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 12:27:09 +0000

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