What better way to start Friday than getting to know Nathan - TopicsExpress


What better way to start Friday than getting to know Nathan Graham. This is a thoroughly good read. Name? - Nathan Graham Nicknames? - Nat, Natty, Grazy, G man, Nate Dog, The Natster, beaks. Positions? - Full back and outside centre. Thoroughly enjoying outside centre if Im honest. OJ debut? - Back in Feb 2013 against Chobham 3rds team on the most moist pitch Ive ever played on. Have vivid memories of Andrew The Giraffe Binner spinning his wheels in the mud. Cant remember the results but from then on I was hooked i.e. Reid kept bugging me to come down. Best OJ game you have played in? - Most enjoyable was probably the demolition of our local rivals Old Cranleighans last christmas. 40 minutes till Christmas was the rallying call at half time and the champagne certainly did flow. Harves, Patsy and myself all bagged hatricks. Harves was complaining I didnt pass to him enough (most outrageous thing Ive ever heard, Im notoriously unselfish with the egg...honest) so i gave him two tries. Christmas came early for him that day. Its all he had ever wanted. Who has the most tekkers in the current OJ side? - A toss up between Chris Llewellyn and dare I say it Muhammad Ahhreid. Llelers boot still amazes me and must make playing opposition back three a nightmare. And Reid has come back bigger and stronger after surgery last year (mainly due to my online personal training services but....you know whatever :P) His ability to run a curved line without losing speed is something Im quite jealous of. Who has the best dress sense? - There are two ends to this spectrum. On the one hand we have Jamie C, a true gentleman among ragamuffins. Always well groomed, smart and moody. Then we have Richard Elf Hadley, who is just the moodiest of clowns Ive ever met. I have massive respect for both men, for completely different reasons. I could not pull off either of their styles. Of all the DODs what has been the worst/best/funniest?? The worst, best and funniest all at the same time has to be Jamie Calders woeful attempt at a punt during a match recently. The thought process still staggers me to this day, with a team of majority backs outside of him, he took it upon himself to clear the lines and start a kick chase for the line. It could not have gone more wrong. I think it went backwards, or he kicked it clean off the pitch. Either way it was frustrating and hilarious at the same time. Stuart Weirs inability to keep balance with his giant head was also very amusing. Why is scoring tries so easy for you? My dad was a county level sprinter at school and my mum has given me all my catching skills (apparently) so genetics helps. But I also love being fast. I was pretty slow until about lower fifth at St Johns then suddenly the wheels kicked in and Ive never looked back. You are stuck in a lift for 24hrs with an OJ player. Who would you and wouldnt you want it to be with? Well it goes without a doubt I wouldnt be in a lift with Stuart Im not gay Weir. Where would I fit in with a melon that size? Probs Case the face just so I could bully him into doing his rehab for his bloody shoulder and stop messing about with this triathlon business. Its rumoured Jamie Calder can chop down trees with his piece. Is he the longest in the showers, does it get dangerous in there? #letshittheshowers - He does take bloody ages in that shower tbh. Just hiding so he doesnt get another dick of the day. Whilst on tour in Leeds you decided to rip off you shirt at an evening mean, firing buttons off into peoples onion bhajis. Why did you do this and please explain the scenario? -HAHA, no idea where the idea came from. Just remember when I was in my room with Killian The killer Wilson having a brain wave and thinking that would be quite amusing.Fortunately it was.ts not always the case. I remeber leaving the stunt right to the end of the dinner just before we were about to hit the town. Jumped up out of my seat, ripped my shirt off Hulk Hogan Style and shouted something like lets go. . I I did lose an OJs shirt though, so you know swings and roundabouts. Cracking tour though. I feel a city tour might be on the cards for the 2015 tour...if Alex My Tour Jones gets his act into gear. Will OJ RFC win the league this year? Absolutely. But it requires getting a solid squad week in week out. Which is difficult when it feels like youre playing a special needs opposition some times (too harsh) but knowing our luck well rock up against a well prepared side (like last week) and get a hiding. One game does not make a season, its turning up week in week out, making that sacrifice of laying off the booze on a friday night and giving your heart for the team ever saturday afternoon. I know how much this team means to people and I do it for them. Who will win the 6 Nations? An unpopular choice, but my head says Ireland. They were phenomenal during the autumn internationals and England were clearly lacking in some departments. The return of the human battering ram Manu Tuilagi will help massively. And will be exciting to see Sam Burgess get a go in the saxons squad. My heart will always say England and if we win away to Wales in the first match my head might turn to them. Favourite player of all time? Got to be Josh Lewsey. Im a big wasps fan. He was a machine. He broke Matt Rogers ribs in a tackle after a scuffle on the pitch in 2002. My second favourite rugby youtube vid after Wilkos RWC winning drop goal (of course). https://youtube/watch? v=o3cnss1UMO8 Lewsey was fast, could step, could tackle and was solid under the high ball. Also got a lot of time for Christian Wade, Christian Cullen and Quade Cooper. They can do stuff that no one else can and thats what I watch rugby for. When are you aiming to be back from injury? Got another consultation with my knee surgeon on the 19th Feb, will find out then how the healing is going and whether hell give me the go ahead to play. The tear in my MCL was worse than originally thought (grade 2+) but nothing else has been damaged ligament wise, although there was significant bruising on the bone. Not fun. Very frustrating but you live and you learn (not to get involved with rucks and leave that shit to the forwards).
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 07:15:46 +0000

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