What branch of the government is a cop, the Legislative Branch, - TopicsExpress


What branch of the government is a cop, the Legislative Branch, Executive Branch or the Judicial Branch? IF the cop is not part of the three branches of government, then he is a Corpora Ficta employee, committing embezzlement of funds for his employment and high crimes under PRETENDED authority of government. The cop has no power of government and uses gang like tactics for force compliance with his will alone. Any other law, besides Constitutional law, is foreign law such as Napoleonic law, Uniform Commercial Code, Civil Law, color of any State law, any State statute, any State ordinance, any State regulation, or any State custom or any State usage. The officer is striking against the constitutional form of government by using foreign law! Under the 11th Amendment, other states cannot participate in out of state violations of the law, driver’s license searches without a warrant, or even credit checks without a grand jury warrant! 5 USC § 3331 Oath of office: “I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” US Constitution Article. II. Section. 4. The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. Westin, The Wire-Tapping Problem, 52 Col. L. Rev. 165 (1952).What is perhaps even more noteworthy is its pervasive disregard in practice by those who as law officers owe special obedience to law. What is true of the federal Act against wiretapping and its violations is widely true of related state legislation and its disobedience. Few sociological generalizations are more valid than that lawlessness begets lawlessness. 18 USC 1918 1) advocates the overthrow of our constitutional form of government; If the cop writes a ticket he’s impersonating a grand jury, as they are the only ones who can summons you to answer. Amendment V. No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury. When the cop serves the summons, an impersonation of a Sheriff is taking place. The Sheriff is a member of the executive branch of government. The day-to-day enforcement and administration of federal laws is permitted, NOT STATE CODES, REGULATIONS OR STATUTES. Therefore the cop is only enforcing statutes in violation of the law, as vigilantes. When the cop forces you to sign the ticket, he’s impersonating a Bailiff. The Bailiff is a member of the judicial branch of the government. The cop is not a part of the government at all and the demand to appear does not come from the government at all. The cop is not a civil officer of the judiciary and the summons did not come from any court. The ticket under threat of torture is pure fraud. When the cop commits any crime he is a trespasser ab initio. The cop owes special duty to the law and when he becomes the “LAW”, not the servant of the law, he becomes a trespasser ab initio. It is a felony for the cop to turn on emergency lights when there is no (LIFE OR DEATH) emergency. It is perjury to make a statement that you are driving when you are not a Taxi DRIVER, Limo DRIVER, Truck Driver or Shuttle DRIVER, as licenses and registrations are only required for commercial activity; that means business ONLY. In the LAW, people have the right to travel as a part of one’s right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness. When the cop then asks for your “PAPERS PLEASE” he becomes a communist, wherein only a Grand Jury can demand you to answer. When the cop acts on behalf of a private bank or private county treasury, he is in fact demanding a bribe. When the cop holds you for even one minute, it is a fact of law that is arrest without a Grand Jury Indictment. The Cop can only hold you to answer if you are a public servant and subject to impeachment for high crimes and misdemeanors, without a Grand Jury summons. When the cop works as a Corpora Ficta employee, the cop must carry a license for the firearm they have on their person. When the cop without an injured party, is now acting as an injured party wherein there is a conflict of interest as the cop is only there to write a illegal writ of attainder, not protect the public from all enemies foreign and domestic. The cop is an agent for the Corporation of the City, County, or State, he is not a member of the government at all, while his pay must be from the US Treasury and all bills issued by a Grand Jury must be made to the US Treasury. The very demand that you pay a private treasury is a demand for a bribe. The cop in reality is a Corpora Ficta employee and not a government employee at all. He has no powers of a government official whatsoever. License and registration produces commercial connection/nexus to Corporate City, County or State. License and registration are commercial agreements and not contracts. If one is not involved in commercial activity then there is no exercise of a privilege that must be licensed and registered. When the Cop writes you a ticket for infracting a code, regulation or statute with a summons to Court, the cop is now impersonating an officer of the court. He is then not part of any of the branches of the government, as an employee of the Pretend Government Corporation, a Corpora Ficta employee. When the Cop writes you a ticket for infracting a code, regulation or statute with a summons to Court, the cop is giving you a bill of exchange. You cannot lawfully sign a bill of exchange, because you are not receiving the original copy. When the Cop writes you a ticket for infracting a code, regulation or statute with a summons to Court, the cop is giving you a bill of attainder unlawfully, as you are not a public servant and there is a jury required to convict you to make it lawful. No one person can serve in two branches of the government at the same time. Only a sheriff can execute (serve) a summons, or compulsory legal process, and the cop is clearly not a member of the executive branch of the government and the ticket is pure fraud. In summary, cops in traffic stops are impersonating government officials on an emergency and the one being stopped is the emergency. Cops try to get people to validate their fraud. Cops impersonate judicial officers, impersonate being a Sheriff who is an executive officer, violate the principal of separation of powers, and impersonate a court bailiff by signing the false summons thereby impersonating a judicial officer a second time. The entire summons is a total fraud because it is not a government document at all; it is a corporate document being forced upon private People. Questions for a public Servant: 1) Do you understand that under Trezevant v. City of Tampa that I will be charging you 1000 per minute? 2) Where is the emergency? 3) Do you understand under Macias V. Ihde, if you are obstructing my rights, you may be liable, in both your personal and public capacity? 4) Are you aware that all of your individual assets can and will be lawfully subject to seizure by lien(s) which cannot be removed by any court of law, but only by me, for high crimes and misdemeanors? 5) Are you aware that anything you do or say can be used against you? 6) Do you consider yourself to be above the law? 7) Are you aware that you are contracting with me? 8) Whom do you work for, the state, county or city? 9) Can you state for the record which branch of the government you work for- Elective, Judicial, or Executive? 10) Do you have a valid oath of office and faithful performance bond on file with the Secretary of State of New Mexico? 11) Do you have your valid DBA validly registered with the Secretary of State of New Mexico? 12) Are you aware that impersonating a government employee is a high crime and misdemeanor? 13) Do you believe that you are the injured party? 14) Where is the strict-proof of assessment of damages from the injured party? 15) Have you sworn to uphold the Constitution of the united states of America? 16) Were you solely representing your agency or were there others with you? 17) Do you understand that the US Constitution trumps all law?
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 22:14:08 +0000

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