What can be more valuable than having God give you directions for - TopicsExpress


What can be more valuable than having God give you directions for your life? He created us and He know all of our days. In fact all of them are written even before any of them existed or will ever exist (Psa.139:16). God knows what job you should do, where you should be per time, what wife/husband you should marry and every other thing that concerns us. He even knows the number of strands of hair on your head! No matter how intelligent any man is, he can never tell the future; he can never accurately predict the outcome of his ventures. This is the more reason it was stated in the Bible that There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death (Prov.14:12 & 16:25). Many destinies have been wrecked because men have engaged in the wrong businesses, which at the onset apparently had great prospects for profits. Many families today are broken because a young man got married to the wrong woman. Believe me! This is at the root of many of the societal ills that is ravaging this country. God, at sundry times, both in scriptures and in our contemporary world, is beckoning on His children to look up to Him because without Him, no one can amount to anything (Jn.1:3 & 15:5). The question many often ask is How do I hear from God on any issue? Does God still speak to people today? And if He does, how?. The subject of divine direction is something every child of God should give serious attention to. We must, of necessity, learn the plattform on which Gods voice can be heard and the primary way He speaks to all of us because He speaks all the time: Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge (Psa.19:2).
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 08:45:57 +0000

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