What can only be likened Not to A split Personality but only - TopicsExpress


What can only be likened Not to A split Personality but only expressed as A case of highs and lows, This will be the last time i ever bring up A topic on Bipolar, Through all the books I have studied from Psychology Philosophy heck even going to the depths of the Bible to find Out all of lifes answers and i only happened to stumble across it this morning as i hit another extreme Low and did not want to step out of my bed, The body will eventually tell you to F**k off after doing forty training sessions in the space of a week, The mind has its ways of taking us to hell but also has its ways of taking us back out of it, The Mind loves to Procrastinate and will always keep us going back to square one if we allow it to, I base my success on every time i have lifted my head after suffering Defeat and i have never left it hang in shame for to Long No matter the situation has being, Albert Einstein once said we should tie ourselves to Goals and not people and things but that Can be put into an extreme case just Like i have done to myself, Isolating away from the world and everything in it, The only thing i have to accept now is to finally move forward with my life and to drop the set backs from the past and fully understand the Term Work life balance and the true meaning of everything in moderation and nothing to the extreme, Tanx for reading yet again Peeps and i only hope that even just the one person can relate to It The candle never seizes to share its light even when its in complete darkness ;) Here is to doing my best to spreading a much brighter future for many A peep ;)
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 20:53:04 +0000

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