What can we do about the changes, tribulations and persecutions in - TopicsExpress


What can we do about the changes, tribulations and persecutions in the world? We are all realizing that the world is changing dramatically and quickly from this new century, the changing laws are stripping everything that God has left for good, holy and pleasing, however some are teaching that we should expect persecution and tribulation, however what the Bible says we need to do really? Daniel was captive for decades, but by reading the word saw that they were passing the ordeal had been prophesied long before (Jeremiah 29:10), and the time of captivity was about to end, he was concerned and boldness to speak with the king to liberate the people, was not only praying, took action. Paul, Peter, Timothy, Apollos, Titus, and others saw the persecution and not stood waiting to come against evil or were just praying, used courage left by Jesus and went to various places to teach the scriptures, and knowledge about truth (Acts 19:26), were persecuted, imprisoned, beaten, still sang in prison and obtained victory this day, hundreds of thousands have been helped. Jesus made several lessons that we should not be waiting with open arms tribulations and persecutions, people who do not if silent, claimed the truth, gentleness and courage, some even won the famous Nobel Prize. The tribulation is training through which God perfects the character of his servants, not a time for standing still waiting for the evil reach. The word tribulation originally means distress, suffering, moral trial and adversity or setback, sorrow and torment, however wonderful lessons we can draw the tribulation. Patience (Revelation 3:10), experience (Romans 5: 4) which is included in the experience, maturation, cannot buy or learn in any school, and finally the hope. All together we managed to drag a crowd to know the truth of God, and our antagonist tries to teach that we should just stay still waiting for her to arrive, yes, it is written in the scriptures that will happen, but does not say that we should stay praying and cross your arms. The life of the faithful servant who passed through the school of Jesus has qualities not found anywhere and back maturity (Romans 5: 5). Jesus tells us that there will be a time that will be nation against nation, famines, pestilence, earthquakes (Matthew 24: 7), would betray each other, the hatred by next would be big, false prophets will deceive many, lawlessness would multiply and love grow cold (Matt 24: 11-12) but he that shall endure unto the end, would be saved, but what it means to persevere? mean: Owning perseverance; insist on a career, insisting (on something specific); remain, last (Matthew 00:13), and these words will be preached in all the world for all nations (Matthew 24:14), that is, people will not be stopped in the face of trials and persecution just praying there will be a movement huge, an action that will reach all nations. Regarding sowing, ie not stand still waiting for that time to arrive even in the face of persecution and tribulation Jesus said He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man; 38The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; 39The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. 40As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world. Matthew 13:37-40. The steps in direction toward the future do not have longer around, but Paul teaches us that we must not be conformed to this world, but we need to transform us by the renewing (Romans 12: 2), do not settle with the pattern of this world. When we talk about in not resigned ourselves to this world, means we do not allow the prince of this, Satan, through their systems and domains, us control, and make us like those who serve. Not because we live in this world who accept the rules and malignancies who inhabit it. In fact, what is proposed to us is just the opposite. We are servants of God, we should show to the world the true way of life, not as perfect beings, but as people who submit to the sovereign will of a God who made all, created, trained, and knows best what is best for us. When we yield to this one true God, not letting this world dictate to our living, we begin to be transformed by Him, for only so, live His perfect will. I can give two examples; the angel had told Abraham that Sodom and Gomorrah would be destroyed; he would say okay and take care of your life, but worried and prayed that God would not destroy it n number of righteous people had. And it came to pass, when God destroyed the cities of the plain, that God remembered Abraham, and sent Lot out of the midst of the overthrow, when he overthrew the cities in which Lot dwelt. Genesis 19:29. The king Hezekiah, the prophet Isaiah had brought a message from God, from which he would die, the king might well sit back and accept, but did not accepted, prayed and wept, the Lord added more fifteen years (Isaiah 38: 1-5). Satans plan for behavior change provides planners with the ability to silently and almost invisible change attitudes and value system of the whole society. Understand how this is being done, we can take steps to reduce or eliminate the effects; learn how to protect the people we love and help others know the solution that there is an eternal life. If Martin Luther had the same thought a few Christians today which before the tribulation and persecution we is only pray, we would never have a Protestant Reformation. The world is heading towards an abyss, but we have a duty to spread the good news as Jesus ordered us in his holy word. (Correia, Oscar) CT lettersvitae/wordpress/?p=3153
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 17:13:16 +0000

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