What can you imagine? Turn off your flesh led mind, relax and - TopicsExpress


What can you imagine? Turn off your flesh led mind, relax and float down stream on Gods Rivers of Living waters. Man thinks on a sin level and not by the imagination of God who is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all we can think and command out. Do you realize that He has never stopped His command of there being light or creating worlds? It turns out that that reality and imagination flow in different directions in the brain, even our researchers say. The visual information from real events from the physical that the eyes see flows up from the brains occipital lobe to the parietal lobe, but imagination images flow down from the parietal to the occipital. Over 90 percent of the things people think or imagine might happen out of feat that has torment, never come to pass unless you produce them. Our brains are directional that neural signals move in a particular direction, then stop and start somewhere else and that is why we are to bring into captivity every thought and imagination to the obedience of the Blood and Holy Spirit. I think this is really a new theme that had not been explored. Is seeing problems and darkness all things that are pure, lovely, virtuous and good report or did God lie when He says to think on these things only? The memory is connected to your imagination. Satan, unless you bring the Bloods provisions will have a field day with it. Why do you remember things that Yahweh said is dead and all things are new and should be from Him, Holy Spirit and Yeshua reminding you of His provisions? By flow, the scientists are referring to the general direction of electrical signaling of neurons in the brain. Is yours coming from Gods Truth or man’s carnal teachings? This direction is oriented against the various lobes of the brain. Your brain runs on electrical impulses and that is why Yeshua could know what they were thinking the same as you and I can if you believe God and train in Truth and allow discernment to work! The occipital lobe sits in the lower, back part of the brain. Containing the visual cortex, this lobes primary function is to process visual information. The parietal lobe lies above the occipital lobe and its primary function is to integrate sensory information, such as vision, but also touch and sound. In doing so, the parietal lobe assembles elementary building bricks from so-called lower-order brain regions to create concepts. Are you seeing from the Kingdom where God who cannot lie said He translated you to in order to see from? Our visual mental images are not stored somewhere in the brain, but get actively reconstructed, so build your mind on the Chief cornerstone and Truth without FEAR or torment being your main seeing. God describes this as the top-down direction of His revelation, which starts from the big concepts He wants you to have as His child and moves back toward the smaller elements to meditate on. To determine the flow of neural firing, who you are hooked up with, is an established technique that growth to measure the underlying electrical activity to produce Kingdom things. But because the brain isnt quiet, because of outside interference, man tends to lose Godly brain activity. Have you learned how to zero in on the flow of reality and imagination from God only! This will determine the directional flow of neural firing during the tasks of what you are seeing and imagining. I would above all else that you may prosper and be renewed in the spirit of your mind as it prospers in Truth from the Bloods provisions. God says “be still” [which means SHUT UP with your carnal thinking and think with the mind of the Anointing] and know “I am” = His name you are in] God. Prophet Joe
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 19:14:58 +0000

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