What causes happiness in our brains when we train? Its clear, - TopicsExpress


What causes happiness in our brains when we train? Its clear, if regular exercise is undertaken then our body becomes stronger and fitter but what happens to the brain and what are the benefits of exercise? Training regularly allows you to perform everyday tasks easier and increases the muscles endurability, but when it comes to the relationship between the brain and exercise the benefits are not as obvious. A phrase that is regularly used in sporting terms is sport promotes the development of endorphins. Endorphins is a beautiful word and can be associated with happiness but what does it actually mean? very few people can explain the processes that are hidden in the mind during exercise. Upon the onset of training the brain feels stressed and perceives exercise as a threat, as if you are fighting with the enemy or hiding from it. At this point the brain starts to try and protect the brain and body from the stress and releases proteins (BDNF). This protein has protective qualities, it also has stimulation charactoristics which stimulate the development of neurons and acts as a full body rest button. That is why once you have completed a work out a feeling of lightness and clarity of thought is reached, resulting in a feel good factor- Happiness. At the same time as this is taking place those little endorphins are being processed to help cope with the stress of exercise. Endorphins main task is to decrease discomforts, block out pain and awaken the body as preparation. So, to generalise the last to paragraphs. In the brain after exercise there is a series of chemical reactions taking place. We have to thank Protein BDNF and Endorphins for our sense of well-being after participation in exercise. Now for the secrets, to get the most enjoyment and happiness from exercise you need to follow a few simple rules: 1. Do not do to much 2. Make the time you have work for you. SOOOOOO...We now have a basic understanding of the chemical processes occurring in the brain during exercise. Now the question is, what should be the training regime to keep our mood, health and fitness in top form? A recent study by the University of Pennsylvania has shed new light on this question. How productive and happy you feel on a particular day is effected by your involvement in sport and how regularly you participate. those who participated in sports for a month prior to the day of their examination but did not workout on the day, showed better results in memory tests those who do not participate in regular exercise at all. however those that were from a test group that participated in regular exercise including the day of the exam, showed the best results Author Gretchen Reynolds wrote a book called the first 20 minutes. The book was aimed at the hypothesis to significantly improve health and moral status you do not need to train like a professional athlete, quite the contrary. the first 20 minutes of active movement provide the greatest health benefits, if you lead a sedentary lifestyle. You extend your life and reduce the risk of various diseases, and all this for just 20 minutes of exercise on a regular basis Scott Forman
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 15:04:19 +0000

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